People often assume the black community is alright with casual homophobia, including black people ourselves. When people make a disparaging comment about gay people that’s so “normal” that no one checks them on it but then claim to be supportive of LGBTQ people, it can be hard to tell who’s supportive or not. So let’s not make it so hard to tell by standing up to normalized casual homophobia.

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Unfortunately, patriarchy still exists. And it often manifests in casual ways that tend to go unnoticed by the majority of people. And women aren’t the only ones who suffer under this everyday patriarchy. Everyone does. It limits their range of experiences and diminishes their worth as humans. This plays out in everyday life far more often than we realize.

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I’ll be the first to admit that in the roster of my personal values, “tradition” and “convention” are solidly near the bottom of my list. Consequently, my gut reaction to engagement rings is bafflement. Of all the customs surrounding weddings, why is one of the most revered symbols of marriage a tangible reminder of the sexist history of the institution?

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We sometimes think that issues of sexual entitlement and objectification are purely a problem with men, but the reality is masculine women do it, too. As I’ve become more vocal about my masculinity, my feminism has had to change from a feminism of solidarity to a feminism of recognizing that I’m different, and I that need to own that and change my behavior.

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Think of the last time someone told you they were bi. Did you tell them it was a phase? Did you imply that they should just choose one? Did you call them greedy, confused, or liars? If so, you’re contributing to the very real problem of biphobia. This video is for you. Watch three bisexual people school you on why you should stop saying these things.

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