This article originally appeared on Wear Your Voice and was republished here with the author’s permission. If you think that race does not have an impact on the way that an educator teaches school children, please come on in and take a seat. I, a Black student, owe a lot of my academic intelligence to…

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It’s that time of year! Yes, the holidays have come around once again. It’s a chance to catch up with family, eat some delicious food, and show your loved ones how much you appreciate them. But there are some downsides to the holidays – especially when dealing with body shaming and relatives who aren’t very understanding. This can make the holidays hard to navigate.

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Vlogger Marina Watanabe with a disappointed expression on her face, beside the words "Myths About Police Brutality."

It’s happened again – a Black man, Walter Scott, gunned down by a police officer claiming self-defense. So we’re bound to have the same conversations again, asking: is police brutality about systemic racism or a few bad cops? Rather than going in circles with the same debates, we need to put some harmful, widely-believed myths to rest. Here’s the truth about police brutality.

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One person staring ominously straight while another's hand is placed over their mouth, quieting them

(Trigger Warning: Intimate partner violence, sexual assault) Family violence affects people of all backgrounds. So don’t all survivors deserve support? With her story, one woman exposes the terrible truth about the racism and stigma aboriginal survivors face when they try to pursue safety and justice. Read her powerful story of surviving intimate partner and sexual abuse, and let’s advocate for justice for all survivors.

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Make no mistake: There is serious stigma around mental health. People are misinformed about what it is, how it’s caused, and how it can be treated. As a result, people are hesitant to consider seeking the help they need. Check out this video in which vlogger Marina Watanabe shares her story of how she came to terms with her depression and started to manage it.

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We all have that one person in our life who matters a great deal to us, is a tolerant and good-hearted individual, but who doesn’t quite understand why feminism is still important. Jessica Valenti offers suggestions about how to approach these individuals, how to argue that feminism does matter, and how to maintain some semblance of inner peace as you do this.

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Most of us have survived a trauma but as a society, we’re more often at a loss when it comes to learning how to heal from it. Most of us don’t want to lead our lives with trauma-related feelings of fear, mistrust, and isolation. So what’s the alternative? Love – the simple act of relating to another human and telling a trustworthy person about our experiences can be curative.

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“If black people can say the N-word, why can’t I? How is that fair? It isn’t! It’s a double standard!” Raise your hand if you’ve heard that one before. Next time you do, show the person this video by vlogger Franchesca Ramsey! Watch as she explains the origins of the N-word and debunks common arguments in favor of white people using the N-word.

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Coming out as trans* is hard enough without the added difficulty of a substantial language barrier. Check out this week’s video headline to hear Leo’s story of how he came out to the people in his life, including his close family members. Watch Leo impart advice and warnings about the rocky terrain of coming out to people who you can’t even communicate with.

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Originally published on Medium and republished here with permission. More than two months after the January 21 Women’s March on Washington, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be to unpack my thoughts on the ripple effect of the march. And, although there is a litany of elucidating articles and posts on social media written on…

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Beauty pageants have been targets of feminist criticism since their creation. (And who can blame us?) In response to this pushback, many pageants have begun emphasizing their scholarship programs. Miss America claims to make available over 45 million dollars for scholarships annually. Except… that’s not really true. Watch John Oliver expose this lie while delivering an epic takedown of the Miss America Pageant.

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Silhouettes of three people jumping up in the air

Why are we still having to argue that feminism is a good thing? It may seem obvious to you, but there’s still a debate. Feminism has proved that women’s rights are human rights. Denying that is a blatant disregard for the historical record. So here’s a pocket edition of the achievements. Check it out for the next time someone says feminism has a negative impact.

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