The most important part of being an ally is recognizing one’s privilege and supporting marginalized groups in their fight for justice. But the nature of privilege is that you aren’t taught that you have it. So a lot of people aren’t sure how to do that. To help, Franchesca Ramsey has made this video with five action-oriented tips for how to be a better ally.

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It’s easy to say you’re a male ally and a feminist. What’s not so easy is checking your privilege, making a deliberate effort to use your privilege in a constructive way, and giving up oppressive behaviors. But that’s what being a male feminist means. Check out this cartoon to see what it looks like when allies talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk.

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Dear cis men, there’s plenty of room for you in the feminist movement. But first, you must remember that feminism was created to address the unique oppression that women have historically faced, while acknowledging how overwhelmingly present that oppression still is and the many ways in which you benefit from it. Check out this article for more ally protocols.

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From birth, those of us with privileged identities, such as being a man or white, are socialized to believe that all the opportunities we get are a result of individual merit. This is the fuel with which the oppression monster feeds itself, and it is something that we feminists — especially those of us who are white feminists — must unlearn to truly combat oppression.

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There are lots of ways to be a great “ally” – and innumerable ways to be a terrible one. But it’s not rocket science. There are simple things you can keep in mind and do in order to be a better person “currently operating in solidarity with” the marginalized or oppressed. And while this list is not comprehensive, it’s definitely somewhere to start. So “allies,” let’s talk.

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Our society wants to desperately say that we’re a colorblind nation and racism has ended – despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. To help you grapple with how different the experiences of white people and Black people can be in the US, check out this video by The Daily Show on what happens when a white man and a Black man assert their right to bear arms.

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