So you’re interested in feminism, but you don’t know how to bring it into your everyday, run-of-the-mill, daily life. Maybe you want to start thinking through a more feminist lens; maybe you just want to learn what the heck slut shaming is. Here with six helpful tips is Erin McKelle! Watch her video to learn how to bring feminism into your everyday life.

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Some believe that since gay men do not want to be sexually intimate with women, our uninvited touching and groping is benign. In a culture that doesn’t see gay men as “men”, our sexist acts are instead read as “diva worship” or “celebrating women” even when they are acts of objectification, assault, and dehumanization. We must question these assumptions in ourselves and in our communities.

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The ideas around social capital and popularity often run alongside privilege and desirability politics. Previously, I wasn’t aware of these terms. But after a few, let’s say, “discussions” with other organizers, I’m  was made aware of the ways social capital can create hierarchies in organizing spaces. These conversations led to a few things: Some folks…

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Person with finger held to lips, shushing

What have you heard about transexual people living in “stealth?” Misconceptions about “passing” are common among everyone – including cis and straight folks, LGBQIA+ people, and other trans people. These false ideas undermine the very valid reasons why transexuals make their own choices about how they show up in the world. Here’s an article to help us get it right.

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When people of color internalize racism and become self-hating, they have made a mental link between worth and whiteness. When we strip ourselves of that lie, we can start to see ourselves as whole rather than deficient. And only when we see our wholeness and understand that we’re worth fighting for can we advance any movement that holds the best interests of people of color at heart.

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Black shirt with "#MENINIST" written across the front in white against a red background

What’s up with men’s rights advocates? Maybe you’ve read their commentary, and maybe you’ve wanted them to shut the hell up about so-called “men’s oppression.” But is there any truth to what they’re saying? What are their worries, and who are the true champions of gender equality? Let’s get into the concerns, the myths, and the real story behind men’s rights.

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Want to know why reverse oppression can’t exist? You’ll have to get out of the dictionary and into understanding the nuances of people’s lived experiences. Here’s what you need to know about oppression: what it is, what it isn’t, and what makes it a special problem. The very nature of oppression won’t allow reverse oppression to exist. Read on to learn why.

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“Why is this event only for [insert marginalized identity]? I’m an ally! I want to show my support.” While it can hurt when you come with good intentions, a healing space that is only for people of a marginalized identity that you don’t share is not for you. And that’s actually ok and needed. But sometimes we forget that and demand entry. Here’s another approach.

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It’s a natural desire to want to give your opinion on something. We all want to think that our perspective matters – and oftentimes, it does. But sometimes it doesn’t. And we don’t always think about the implications of our words. So, what do you do when you get called out for saying something problematic – and you totally “didn’t mean it like that?”

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