“Tell me again how you don’t see color.” In this short video, poet Marshall Gillson delivers a stirring message with everything that needs to be said about what’s wrong with a “colorblind” approach. What does it really mean to treat everyone the same? Would it mean, as this poet puts it, believing that “justice is the same as amnesia?” These are the real risks.

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We want to live in a world where every person (and we mean every single person) is treated with respect, directs their own lives, and reaches their full potential. We want this to be true for every woman, man, adult, child, black, Asian, Latino, indigenous, white, gay, lesbian, transgender, straight, poor, rich, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, disabled, able…

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“Good fatty” is usually used to describe a fat person who at least believes in the socially constructed viewpoint that their number one goal in life should be losing weight. But upon closer inspection, there are a few “good fatty” archetypes that we, as a society, depend on – all with their own unique purposes in the fat-antagonistic machine. Here are twelve to consider in your activism.

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From implying that a Latino man’s acceptance into college was “because of his race,” to fetishizing the “curvy Latina” body type, Latinxs put up with a lot of microaggressive BS from white people. Check out this hilarious and thought-provoking video that flips the roles and showcases just how ridiculous these statements sound coming from white people.

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In our patriarchal society, fathers are taught that loving their daughters looks like control, like possessively sheltering them from the world. However, Will Evans—through this potent spoken word poem—explains that his version of fatherly love is a practice of protecting his daughter’s agency and autonomy to dictate her own life and make her own choices.

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If you’ve never had to come out to the people around you, it can be hard to imagine what the experience is like. It can be difficult to understand the heartbreak, determination, and love that comes along with those moments. In celebration of LGBT History Month, watch five people share their experiences with coming out to their loved ones in this encouraging video.

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“What are you?” is a question that comes with assumptions. But race isn’t a taboo topic. We need to know how to engage in these conversations without forcing people into an “other” and making them censor themselves. You might be thinking, “Then what do I ask?” This short video shows how to throw self-censorship out the window and open a deeper conversation.

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Rape culture is the culture which tells women not to get raped, rather than telling men not to rape, and it can only be stopped if men take responsibility for the disproportionate amount of violence they inflict upon women. Check out this week’s video for an impassioned spoken word poem by Jeremy Loveday, calling men to speak up about and against gender violence!

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Ageism against the elderly is still very prevalent and normalized. For those of us who are young, we often fail to realize the advantages we have being younger than age 65 (sometimes even younger). I hope this list of privileges makes us more aware of the stigma we place on the elderly and how we can be more mindful of how we treat the aging generation.

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