This article was originally published on Wear Your Voice and republished here with the author’s permission. The other day as I was riding the subway, I saw an advertisement for a new television series centering on Natalee Holloway, the 18-year-old who disappeared when she was on a high school graduation to Aruba in May 2005. The case is…

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Want to know why reverse oppression can’t exist? You’ll have to get out of the dictionary and into understanding the nuances of people’s lived experiences. Here’s what you need to know about oppression: what it is, what it isn’t, and what makes it a special problem. The very nature of oppression won’t allow reverse oppression to exist. Read on to learn why.

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If you’ve ever tried to talk about feminism to anyone, you’ve probably heard this line: “If feminism is really about equality, then why does it only focus on women’s issues? What about men?” Here to dispel some misconceptions about what feminism really means is vlogger Marina Watanabe. Watch her no-nonsense summary of why, no, feminism is not in fact sexist.

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Some people think its funny when boys joke about rape. They argue that people who speak out against those jokes, and the culture that encourages and allows them, are humorless. But those boys eventually turn into teenagers and men, some of whom DO commit actual sexual violence that predominately, but not exclusively, target women. This must stop now!

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A person sitting in a waiting room has their hand on their head and their tie loosened in frustration and exhaustion

We all know the ways well-meaning white people aren’t intentionally racist, and we get it – it’s tough to feel like part of the problem. But everyone should know these ways that even the most “well-intended” white person can participate in and benefit from racism. Learn what to do after acknowledging your privilege (hint: don’t hate yourself, just be accountable).

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Have you ever had trouble finding the group within feminism that feels right for you? Most of us have multi-faceted identities, so as one uniform movement western feminism leaves many of us out. It’s time to learn about transnational feminism – what it is and what we can accomplish with it. Find out why we have to think globally to end systemic oppression.

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Fascinated by this world of unleashed sexual expression, the author of this article couldn’t get enough of it. He thought he’d outgrow his porn habit over time, but he never did. He didn’t know it then, but porn had become an addiction. He didn’t realize how much watching porn manipulated his mind, warping his sexuality, numbing hi feelings, and impacting his relationships with women. Read this personal narrative to find out how he overcame his addiction and got to a healthier place.

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