(Trigger warning: violence against women.) Misogyny is omnipresent in our society, but it has an especially widespread presence in video games. Female characters in games (if present at all) rarely play any significant role. Instead, they’re often reduced to background decoration used to advance the male protagonist’s journey — often through hypersexualized and/or violent means.

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Male allies are extremely important and valuable to the feminist movement! They use their positions of privilege to further the cause in ways that women can’t, and for that we’re grateful. That said, there are a few trends in male feminist behavior that could definitely stand to change. Watch Melissa A. Fabello give a few tongue-in-cheek reminders to male feminists.

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Racialized sexism sneaks into spaces that claim to have the best interests of women and People of Color at heart. Dealing with racialized sexism means dealing with the fact that every person holds multiple political and social identities that blend and intersect. Therefore, assuming that all experiences of sexism are just variations of the same thing is a mistake.

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Contemporary video game narratives normalize the sexual and murderous objectification, exploitation, and violence against women so cavalierly. One can’t help but question how expose to the murderous rape culture of this media influences the perspectives and behaviors of its players. How long will we tolerate such gruesomely misogynist depictions of abuse?

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A group of activists rallying under a rainbow flag

The mainstream Gay Rights™ movement has made a lot of important gains – like marriage equality, for instance – but it leaves a lot of folks wondering: Have we forgotten our own history? Check out this article to understand the ways in which the history of queer and trans liberation needs to inform our activism today – and why prison abolition should be a top priority.

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