Racial Justice Articles

Is Your Halloween Costume Racist?

3 Ways Being Tender is a Political Act – No Matter What Our Violent Society Says

Confused person in glasses stands against pink wallpaper, asking "Do Native Americans pay taxes?"

4 Things Your History Teacher Didn’t Know About Native Americans – But You Should

Student, looking frustrated

How Being the Only Black Student Taught Me What Internalized Racism Is Really About

A group of periodical tributes to Prince

Don’t Erase Prince’s Race – 5 Reasons to Celebrate Unconventional Black Heroes

The author, looking away, holding a large, blue, polka-dotted teacup

I Was 13 and Wearing a Hijab – I Didn’t Expect My Teacher to Be Afraid of Me

Here’s How to Fight Latinx Anti-Blackness in the Age of Trump

The US Supreme Court Is About To Consider the Most Potentially Devastating Case For Native Nations

3 Things My White Husband Needs to Know About the Black Baby We’re Going to Have

6 Things White Parents Can Do to Raise Racially Conscious Children

Fear of the Free Black Child – Alternatives to Fear-Based Parenting Amid Police Violence

A red sign reads, in white, "Fragile: Handle with Care"

Stop Your White Fragility – It’s Racial Violence and Here’s Why

A person sits in front of a mirror, getting ready to put a contact lens on their eye.

3 Disturbing Ways the Media’s White Male Gaze Hurts Women of Color

A Parent and Feminist Guide to ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’

When Visibility Begins at Home

Shocking news. Surprised young woman covering mouth with hands and staring at camera while standing against white background

Here’s How You Can Be Unintentionally Racist – And How Allies Can Recover

Person looking in a mirror

Navigating Body Image in Asian American Communities Is No Easy Task – But Here Are 4 Places to Start

We Need To Rethink The Term ‘South Asian’ — Here’s Why

Star Wars logo

6 Sexist, Racist, and Generally Messed Up Things We Hope The New Star Wars Films Get Right This Time

What I Told My White Friend When He Asked For My Black Opinion On White Privilege

Why We Need Better Representation of Asian Women (Explained in Terms of Harry Potter!)

Can You Be Black and Latinx? Here’s What Afro-Latinx Means And Why It Matters

10 Ways White People Can Stop Annoying People of Color on Social Media

A police officer stands with their arms crossed against their chest, leaning against a cop car

20 Examples That Prove White Privilege Protects White People From the Police

Can Asian-Americans Appropriate Their Own Culture?

3 Myths about Native Hawaiians You Ought to Know Before Visiting Paradise

A person is holding up a "Black Lives Matter" sign at a protest

What #BlackLivesMatter Is Actually Asking For – And Why It Benefits You, Too

One red figure raising its hand among a group of gray figures

How Disablist Western Ideas of ‘Self-Determination’ Undermine Social Justice and 5 Ways to Make It Right

3 Ways Queer & Trans Birth Workers Of Color Make Life Better For Parents

The Real Reasons People Blame Victims for Police Brutality