Person holding their finger to their lip, in a "shhh" motion

You’ve been told that you’re not strong enough, not smart enough, not aggressive enough. You’ve been told that these weaknesses and character flaws keep you from achieving certain things. And you’ve had more than enough of those lies. Here are some dangerous myths society has taught you. It’s time to get free and unlearn them, and this is a helpful start.

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Some people think its funny when boys joke about rape. They argue that people who speak out against those jokes, and the culture that encourages and allows them, are humorless. But those boys eventually turn into teenagers and men, some of whom DO commit actual sexual violence that predominately, but not exclusively, target women. This must stop now!

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If you’re newly single, you shouldn’t have to feel embarrassed about how you heal – and that includes if you heal in a sexual way or if you choose not to. You might get a lot of advice and judgments. But here’s all the post-breakup bedroom advice you need: a comic to remind you that you know what’s best and healthiest for you, no matter what anyone else says.

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This spoken word piece is called “Unsolicited Advice.” And maybe you didn’t ask for this message, but these words are what every girl and woman needs to hear. Through struggles of abuse, familial mental illness, and racism, Tonya Ingram finds her voice. And in this championship-clinching piece, she’ll show you how, sharing powerful words in spite of unspeakable pain.

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