We all know that homelessness, suicide, homophobia, and transphobia remain awful realities for too many young LGBTQIA+ people. These crises get a decent amount of attention. But many LGBTQIA+ teens face different challenges that don’t always make it on our radar. Here are five issues that may not grab headlines, but are still pretty arduous for queer and trans teens today.

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The winter holidays are upon us and whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or Yule you are probably going to be giving a gift sometime this month. Children are bombarded with limiting, negative messages in the media but you can buy gifts that show a different way to think about the world. For help, check out our list of gifts for the under 10 year feminist crowd.

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Most of us have had a shitty job or two. But how many of us have had to support ourselves fully – let alone support a family – on a job like this? There are a lot of people out there who have to do just that. They earn the minimum wage at a thankless job that is their only form of income. And that income is extremely low. Simply put, the minimum wage is too low and has been that way for too long.

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How can we make feminist commitments this Father’s Day? This list of ideas ranges from the civic to the personal, the playful to the political, but each suggestion is geared so that feminism is at the heart of our families. Join us in making a commitment to take at least one action against patriarchy and misogyny in real life. Let us evolve fatherhood together.

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Silhouette of a person holding up a huge heart shape against a sunset

This author never imagined she’d get to this magical place – a place of self-love. She’s powerful, beautiful, talented, and loveable. But unfortunately, in our society, she’s subject to shame for being fat, Black, bisexual, and a woman with unconventional looks. Read on for her journey in fighting for herself, and you might find some self-love for your own journey.

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From birth, those of us with privileged identities, such as being a man or white, are socialized to believe that all the opportunities we get are a result of individual merit. This is the fuel with which the oppression monster feeds itself, and it is something that we feminists — especially those of us who are white feminists — must unlearn to truly combat oppression.

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I’m noticing a trend lately where we feminists really want to get dudes on board. But it’s hard to start the process of noticing the simple, seemingly mundane ways that sexism creeps into our everyday lives. So here’s a short introduction, guys. Here are five simple things you should probably stop doing if you want to show that you have respect for women.

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