Make no mistake: Paid sick days are a feminist issue. And they’re one of those job benefits you don’t realize you want until you suddenly need them. The ability to take time off when you or a family member is sick impacts your health, well-being, and financial security. You shouldn’t have to choose between your paycheck and your health.

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It seems like every time anti-racism activists speak up about their work, there is some level of pushback claiming that the work is “attacking white people.” But the thing is, that’s just not true. Anti-racism is not against white people. To clarify what anti-racism is really about, here are three things that the movement actually works to dismantle.

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We often discuss issues of rape and sexual violence with our daughters, but are we having these critical conversations with our sons? The truth is that our sons can be victims of rape, too. They can also be bystanders, confidants, or rapists. Undoubtedly these conversations are challenging. So how do we start them, and what do we talk about? Here are a few tips.

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“Diet culture” refers to a society that is so inundated with dieting propaganda that it affects how we relate to ourselves and each other. And in case you haven’t noticed, we live in one. Watch vlogger Melissa A. Fabello use food psychology to explain how the restrict-and-binge cycle hurts everyone except the industries that are creating your body dissatisfaction.

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We must get in touch with our cultural heritage to understand our stake in ending White Supremacy through a connection to what we lost, but we also have to understand and remain accountable to the privileges that Whiteness affords us every day. In some ways, this is a complex tension to hold. Because while not all White people are bad, Whiteness surely is.

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