You’ll see it on signs and banners at abortion rallies: “Keep Abortion Safe, Legal, and Rare.” This sentiment is often championed and portrayed as “something we can all agree on.” But is it really a desire we have, let alone one that we should be making heard? How does this kind of logic affect the abortion movement and all those who seek abortions?

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Fascinated by this world of unleashed sexual expression, the author of this article couldn’t get enough of it. He thought he’d outgrow his porn habit over time, but he never did. He didn’t know it then, but porn had become an addiction. He didn’t realize how much watching porn manipulated his mind, warping his sexuality, numbing hi feelings, and impacting his relationships with women. Read this personal narrative to find out how he overcame his addiction and got to a healthier place.

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My darling Son, this is not a conversation any boy wants to have with his mum at any age. But it’s a conversation we must have nonetheless. I would be failing in my duty as a parent, guide, and woman if I did not share the following information with you – information that has the power to impact greatly upon your future sex life. And your relationships. So listen carefully. This is important.

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A lot of ignorance exists around sex and disability, especially regarding media portrayals involving providers of commercial sex.The problem lies in the way it’s presented, encouraging the audience to gawk and giggle. At the end of the day, no one is actually meant to perceive disabled people as desirable. So yes, getting laid is awesome, but it isn’t the end-all, be-all for everyone.

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Outside of the abortion clinic, we stand quietly in bright orange vests that read Pro-Choice Escort. We’re just trying to get the patients safely to the door, which often requires us to physically block the protesters who are shoving things in front of patients. I see the pain that these protesters have caused, the confusion and the vulnerability. We need clinic escorts now more than ever.

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Birth control is not one-size-fits-all. There are a lot of choices out there, and they all work differently. It’s no wonder people get confused. As feminists, we are wholly dedicated to your right to choose. So if you’ve ever wondered “How the #*%! does this work?” or “Which option is best for me and my lifestyle?” then this article is for you.

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Get the 411 on the vulva in this week’s video headline! If your sex ed class was insufficient (or non-existent) on the topic of female anatomy, we’ve got the solution right here. Watch as clinical sexologist Dr. Lindsey Doe explains the various parts of the vulva, their functions, and how to recognize healthy differences. Sex-positive and body curious feminists alike: check this one out!

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When we talk about consent, we’re usually talking about adults. But where do we think these adults learned their understanding of consent? Many parents teach their kids harmful ideas about consent without even realizing. Check out this video to see an explanation of four common parenting tactics that could be causing some very harmful behaviors in adults.

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Virginity. It’s something we all know of, something we’ve all talked about. It’s something we, as a culture, obsess over. The idea of your first penis-in-vagina sexual encounter being something significant and life altering (well, for women anyway) may seem like just a tradition, but it’s actually very problematic and even harmful. Here are five reasons why.

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I’m a virgin. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with this, assuming that it’s your choice. Where it starts to be a problem is when you recognize that you possess and want to express these desires, and society denies them. Worse, society deems you undesirable and ascribes a complete and total sexual absence to you and your entire community at large, with few exceptions.

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Some time in between high school and college, I realized something about myself: I wasn’t sexually attracted to anyone. I thought there must be something wrong with me. It didn’t even occur to me that there was a sexual orientation that defined me, or that there were other people out there like me who didn’t see relationships with people through a sexual lens.

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Trans women are a component of queer women’s communities, so a lack of respect amongst us just means more devaluing of women, when society dishes out plenty of that for all of us already. So with that in mind, I have put together some suggestions for cis women on thinking through some basic trans issues, including ideas on approaching trans women in a romantic or intimate context.

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I do believe in body love and vulva-love is an integral part of it. Positive body image needs to encompass our whole female bodies, not just the parts that we like and are comfortable with. And in a society that teaches us constantly that female genitalia, by default, is offensive, we have a lot of work to do insofar as unlearning all of the bullshit and filling ourselves with enlightenment.

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CultureMap, who I was a columnist for, ran an article speculating that perhaps the girl who reported being raped by a high school baseball star was lying – without citing any details that imply that other than “kids are supposed to lie.” To make sure they knew I wasn’t secretly cool with treating victims as probable liars, as long as they wrote me checks, I wrote that it was bullsh*t and got fired for it. (Trigger Warning)

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My first sexual experiences taught me that sex is all about power and control. For me, being in a relationship meant relinquishing any power or control I had over my own body and my own emotions. Sex was the key to emotional security; when my partner was sexually satisfied, I was emotionally satisfied. It took four years of counseling with a therapist specializing in trauma for me to understand that this was a very unhealthy way of thinking.

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When I worked as a call girl, I relied on, and needed, denial to function in life. It was essential in order to work – to have sex with men and women I didn’t want to have sex with. That is what allowed me to do it without breaking, without falling apart, without realizing the hell in which I was living (Trigger Warning).

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