In recent years, the word “slut” has become deeply ingrained into our culture, to the point where people say it too easily and too casually. I’ve often asked myself: What can we do about this nasty, negative word choice that is so standard in our culture? Maybe learning more about the word itself – and more empowering words we can use instead – is a good start.

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Did the racy pictures get sent around the school? Did you hook-up with someone’s boyfriend and now the whole school hates you? Are you the victim of slut bashing and don’t even know why? The pain and embarrassment of being labeled a “slut’ or ‘ho” can be unbearable but there are steps you can take to navigate a bad reputation.

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We live with a deep and persistent societal tolerance for the use of women’s bodies by others for their own purposes, profit, political gain and entertainment. Cameras and harassment are the tip of an iceberg of male regulation of women’s bodies and behaviors. Legislation, based on a cultural acceptance of women’s bodies as public resources, is much more pernicious.

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We all know that homelessness, suicide, homophobia, and transphobia remain awful realities for too many young LGBTQIA+ people. These crises get a decent amount of attention. But many LGBTQIA+ teens face different challenges that don’t always make it on our radar. Here are five issues that may not grab headlines, but are still pretty arduous for queer and trans teens today.

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Many of us did not become feminists on a college campus or in an activist environment. So there needs to be dialogue that represents and facilitates the experience of feminism in more personal contexts. I think that Beyoncé’s album has some pretty radical feminist sentiments, and the fact that another feminist disagrees with that does not make me wrong, nor does it make that other woman right.

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To learn more, check out: An Infuriating Story of How One Box Makes It So Hard to Find a Job After Prison Gainful Unemployment: 5 Acts of Self-Care While Job Hunting [do_widget id=’text-101′] Ronnie Rene Ritchie is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism, an illustrator, and storyteller working out of Peterborough, Ontario. Since graduating…

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One of the most obnoxious forms of ignorance that LGBTQ people face is identity policing, which often manifests as other people providing “theories” to explain your sexuality. Being queer means that people always feel entitled to an explanation — or worse, they think they know better. Let’s go through the various, ridiculous incarnations of queer identity police.

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Feminists today are highly concerned with language and its implications. Here at Everyday Feminism, we advise respectful discourse with the aim to uplift and educate one another. We’re aiming to improve your day-to-day lives. But if I’m going to be human and imperfect and slip up every once in a while, I’d at least like to do it in a quasi-feminist way.

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