“Diet culture” refers to a society that is so inundated with dieting propaganda that it affects how we relate to ourselves and each other. And in case you haven’t noticed, we live in one. Watch vlogger Melissa A. Fabello use food psychology to explain how the restrict-and-binge cycle hurts everyone except the industries that are creating your body dissatisfaction.

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Most of us have had a shitty job or two. But how many of us have had to support ourselves fully – let alone support a family – on a job like this? There are a lot of people out there who have to do just that. They earn the minimum wage at a thankless job that is their only form of income. And that income is extremely low. Simply put, the minimum wage is too low and has been that way for too long.

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Books lined up on a shelf in order by color, creating a rainbow

Readers bestow upon themselves that title because they become completely absorbed in pages and find pieces of themselves in the novels, poetry, and memoirs that they read. So what happens when you’re queer or trans and voices similar to yours are lacking? This author explains what that experience was like for her – and then shares the books that set her free.

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Silhouette of a person holding up a huge heart shape against a sunset

This author never imagined she’d get to this magical place – a place of self-love. She’s powerful, beautiful, talented, and loveable. But unfortunately, in our society, she’s subject to shame for being fat, Black, bisexual, and a woman with unconventional looks. Read on for her journey in fighting for herself, and you might find some self-love for your own journey.

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Queer woman of color looking despondent

We’re taught that a “normal” relationship has a cisgender man and a cisgender woman. Same with a “normal” case of intimate partner violence. But reports of LGBTQIA+ intimate partner violence are on the rise. So why is LGBTQIA+ IPV so invisible? Let’s survey the scene, and get some essential guidelines for giving safe and affirming support to LGBTQIA+ IPV survivors.

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From birth, those of us with privileged identities, such as being a man or white, are socialized to believe that all the opportunities we get are a result of individual merit. This is the fuel with which the oppression monster feeds itself, and it is something that we feminists — especially those of us who are white feminists — must unlearn to truly combat oppression.

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I have been reflecting a lot lately on how I can be a better ally. And as we wade our way into 2015, I suppose now is as good a time as any to consider some ways that any person who wishes to act accountably as an ally can do better in 2015. So here’s my list of 30 ways that those of us who strive to act in solidarity and allyship (most notably inclusive of myself) can be better allies.

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Our media is saturated with images that sexually objectify women. The explanation for this phenomenon? “Sex sells.” But is it really sex that these ads are implying? Caroline Heldman doesn’t think so. Check out her TED Talk about the overwhelming sexual objectification of women in our media, and how something a lot more sinister than sex appeal is at work.

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