Society isn’t very nice to vaginas. From a very young age, we’re taught that vaginas are somehow bad or wrong or dirty. But the fact is: Vaginas are the objects of a cultural hate-fest. What if we could fight back against that hate, through sex- and body-positivity, and turn haters into lovers? We can. But first, we have to understand where vagina hate comes from.

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I know many religious homeschoolers. I also know many non-religious ones. I am happy to tell you that a homeschooled child has a great education; a great life filled with community interaction, volunteering, cultural immersion; and the opportunity to follow their passion. Homeschooling is a joyous lifestyle for many people, and it’s a beautiful choice that we get to make.

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There are certain things people say to queer women over and over again that they just shouldn’t — and straight women do this, too. We think that women can’t oppress other women, but it’s entirely possible. And we need to talk more about it. So, here are five things straight women shouldn’t say when talking to queer women. And yes, we’ve heard them all before.

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Healing after sexual trauma can be an erratic, draining, and difficult process. It can also be extremely rewarding and empowering. While it is common for the partner of a rape survivor to feel helpless, there are many ways that they can be an excellent source of support. Here are some ideas to consider when attempting to support your partner with their healing.

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Typically, we only discuss sexism in terms of gender, but it also has applicability to biases related to sexuality. Monosexism is synonymous with bi/panphobia in many ways because it perpetuates the myth that a person can only truly be attracted to one gender. But someone’s sexuality is not a tool for you to reassert your own social legitimacy at the expense of others.

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As a woman, you may feel like the world is flooding your mental inbox with constant messages of how to think, feel, and behave. And as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, it may seem as though everyone feels entitled to comment on your “lifestyle” as well. People have some rigid ideas of how both women and gay people should go about their lives. You don’t have to listen to a word of them.

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Wondering what feminist and social justice news and content you missed this week? Fear not! Your weekly feminist round-up is here! This week: Raven Symoné dismisses labels, the Vatican announces changes in their perception of the LGBTQIA+ community, and Malala Yousafzai accepts the Nobel Peace Prize. Check out more from this week!

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