Have you ever had to deal with the dilemma of checking “male” or “female?” Some of us just can’t be confined to those boxes. And you shouldn’t have to be! Here’s a comic that captures the frustration of this moment. Let the hero of this comic be a hero for all of us whose true identities can’t be defined by these small boxes. You deserve to feel free to be you.

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One red figure raising its hand among a group of gray figures

Self-determination – making your own choices – is so important. But let’s be careful about the difference between self-determination from a colonial perspective and how it’s defined in Indigenous struggles. If we don’t, it can be used to actively perpetuate marginalization and hurt disabled people. Here’s how you can take up self-determination in a justice framework.

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Have you ever had trouble finding the group within feminism that feels right for you? Most of us have multi-faceted identities, so as one uniform movement western feminism leaves many of us out. It’s time to learn about transnational feminism – what it is and what we can accomplish with it. Find out why we have to think globally to end systemic oppression.

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The idea that intimate partner violence occurs in lesbian relationships may seem ridiculous. But this belief isn’t only false; it’s damaging. It can prevent lesbians from seeking help when they are in an abusive relationship. After all, who’s going to believe them? Here are four myths about IPV in lesbian relationships that can prevent women from seeking help.

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Nearly one million adults in the US identify as transgender. And yet, most people know almost nothing about them. Why do we know so little about transgender people? Because they are systematically silenced on a daily basis. We don’t know them because, frankly, we don’t see them. So let’s confront some of the most common myths about transgender people and change our ways of thinking about them.

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Nearly one million adults in the US identify as transgender. And yet, most people know almost nothing about them. Why do we know so little about transgender people? Because they are systematically silenced on a daily basis. We don’t know them because, frankly, we don’t see them. So let’s confront some of the most common myths about transgender people and change our ways of thinking about them.

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What do you know about asexuality? What about aromance? A lot of folks are out of the loop on what those terms really mean. So here’s a clear break-down of both: what they are, what they aren’t, and some struggles society creates for ace and aro people. The end of the video can help you start your own conversation, so we can all be more informed and understanding.

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In his spoken word poem “Action,” Guante reflects on how he should have held his friend accountable for the abusive way he spoke about and treated his girlfriend. He analyzes how the media teaches men to think of sex as violence and to victim blame. This poem asks men to speak up and reminds them that rape culture is dependent on their silence and complacency.

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