My friend Lauren has been dealing with abdominal pain for the past few months. Around the same time, I got sick. Lauren and I have been talking about all of this — we were stuck on how to give our bodies the rest they need to heal. It’s been hard for us to give our bodies the rest that they need because it’s hard for us to listen to our bodies and accept and respect our bodies’ limits.

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In this beautifully written piece, a young biracial woman sets out to write a letter to her father – a white father to a black daughter. And her heartfelt words are what every white parent of children of color should hear: that race matters, that accountability matters, and that it’s up to you to make sure that you are a part of your child’s understanding of race.

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It’s important to discuss kink from a feminist perspective because of the harm that misinformation about our desires can cause. This misinformation can lead to feelings of disempowerment in one’s a/sexuality and relationships, and erardicating that should be part of the foundation of any intersectional feminist movement. So let’s bust three common myths about BDSM.

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There is a war against women, and men and boys are trained everyday to be the soldiers. Misogynist violence isn’t the biological imperative of men. Misogyny is beaten into boys and woven into the fabric of “successful masculinity”. It’s time for men in the millions to declare that we will no longer act as the soldiers in the war against women.

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Certain memories of my father stick out on my mind. I remember how he joked that he liked women who looked cheap. I remember I rolled my eyes and laughed with him, I didn’t find it funny at all. Because what did it mean for me, a girl just past puberty, hoping to be wanted by the world? What would I have to do to get love and attention? Who would I have to be?

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There’s a difference between being chivalrous and being nice. We should all be nice to everyone – regardless of their gender. But when you do something nice for women because of their gender, is not just being nice – it’s being chivalrous, which is based on the belief that women are fragile, delicate creatures who need special treatment.

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