The sheer volume of unsolicited opinions that people project upon women’s bodies is staggering. It’s almost like there was a memo sent all of humanity, declaring that women’s bodies are constantly subject to public commentary. But these comments are motivated by something much deeper than that. Here’s what people really mean when they talk about your body.

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Walking through the world as a fat woman has its own challenges. But when you’re a fat woman who’s dating someone with a thin, more socially acceptable body — someone people don’t think you deserve — well, that’s something else. Watch Rachel Wiley express some of the honest thoughts and anxieties that come with being loved by a skinny boy in this spoken word performance.

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Eating disorders are everywhere, and finally, people are beginning to realize it. Unfortunately, with the increased awareness has come a rash of myths – both about the disorders themselves and the people who suffer. Learn what they are so you can better support someone struggling with an eating disorder.

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Actress Freida Pinto on a red carpet, surrounded by paparazzi

When an actress steps onto the red carpet, the first question she’s asked is “Who are you wearing?” Why is she reduced to how she looks, and not the achievements that brought her there? Sooner or later, these narrow standards of beauty and value hurt us all. Here’s what you need to know about how, and what you can do to bring this machine to a screeching halt.

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(Trigger Warning: Body Image) According to Glamour, “Fitspo refers to images and words that women post with the purpose of inspiring themselves and others to live a fit, active life.” The problem that we see with fitspo, though, is that it looks too much like a not-so-cleverly-disguised thinspo. And these ideas that our bodies just aren’t good enough the way that they are is still dangerous.

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If you spend any time on the Internet, you’ve likely participated in the conversation about weight and body image. “Lose weight and look great!” “Love your body just the way it is!” I find both messages tiresome. Where in this “conversation” is there room for individuals to have their own feelings, independent of what other women (and men) insist is the “correct” way to think about one’s body?

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Thinspiration — images created and used to inspire its consumers to be thin — is now plastered all over every social media website. It isn’t confined to the realm of eating disorders anymore. It’s mainstream. And yet we’re not talking to consumers about it. But how do we talk to our friends, children, and students about it without being at war with them? Here’s a place to start.

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