Person on a street listening to music through earphones

Some are baffled by those of us who make the choice to be alone. Others think aloneness means something’s wrong with you or that you’re self-centered. Here’s a more empowering perspective. Read about this author’s practice of deliberately spending time alone to see how you can grow your self-confidence all on your own – without needing anyone else to complete you.

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Fit person running, with a gray wall in the background

What does it say about how we value bodies when “fitspo” – or “fitspiration” – is so popular? There have been many debates about whether fitspo is empowering or disempowering, but we don’t often think about how fitspiration is highly ableist in its assumptions about health and our ability to work out to extremes. It’s time to expose these assumptions.

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Traditional "men's" and "women's" restroom figures being pointed to with an arrow leading to "Nope."

What would you tell your younger self? For this author, there’s a lot that he wishes he’d known as a young genderqueer and non-binary person. So here are his words to his younger self, shared with you as a reminder of how important you are. Even if you don’t identify as non-binary, you can read this for comfort and validation wherever your path takes you.

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