Have you ever had trouble finding the group within feminism that feels right for you? Most of us have multi-faceted identities, so as one uniform movement western feminism leaves many of us out. It’s time to learn about transnational feminism – what it is and what we can accomplish with it. Find out why we have to think globally to end systemic oppression.

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From mean jokes to harassment, single women are subject to a particular kind misogyny in American society. The message is clear: We still believe women should prioritize marriage and motherhood over everything else. Demanding a woman’s life to follow this trajectory is another way of saying “I know what’s good for you better than you do.” And that’s oppressive.

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When someone is pregnant, their body is often viewed as public property. As a result, many people feel free to make wildly inappropriate comments about everything, from their appearance to their lifestyle choices to their medical decisions. But pregnancy doesn’t negate autonomy! So here are seven examples of common comments and questions that we need to stop saying.

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There are certain things people say to queer women over and over again that they just shouldn’t — and straight women do this, too. We think that women can’t oppress other women, but it’s entirely possible. And we need to talk more about it. So, here are five things straight women shouldn’t say when talking to queer women. And yes, we’ve heard them all before.

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General society would have us believe that gender (and sexuality, and romantic attraction, and countless other identifiers) exist within a binary system. But the reality is that identity is much more complicated than that. And the concept of multidimensional spectra can be overwhelming. Check out this video for an introduction into the spectra of identity!

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We can lay the groundwork for the children we love for good health and truly empowered living. Here, we look those aspects of protecting children that are slightly beyond the basics: the more subtle, on-going interactions that strengthen our children, influence their decision making, impact their safety, and, hopefully, contribute to a safer and saner society.

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The silence of a missing young girl named Relisha Rudd, of the 276 Nigerian school girls half a world away from her, and of the thousands of child sufferers of abuse, assault, and abduction unwillingly call us to a greater understanding of how to protect our young. Thankfully, experts in violence against children — and survivors of childhood violence — are speaking up.

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“Agender” by definition means “someone without gender,” and falls under the big, colorful trans umbrella. While the identity is easily summed up in a sentence or two, the concept is where people seem to get lost. So, here’s a guide to the most common assumptions, faux pas, and outright weird notions about people who are agender that pop up in everyday life.

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A recent study finds that girls who’ve suffered sexual harassment often see it as “normal stuff” that “just happens” because it’s what “guys do.” Translation: they frame their own experiences of harassment based on cultural notions about what gender and sexuality are — or should be. Sad, then, isn’t it, that those cultural notions are often bullshit.

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If you’re anything like me, you spend countless hours binge-watching your favorite TV shows, dancing to the songs that move you, and generally consuming a lot of media. That means that it is inevitable that some of the things you encounter and love are problematic. So what are we do to do when we encounter something that we love that is also deeply problematic?

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As with all other systems of oppression, rape culture is a beast with tentacles and spores across countless other facets of inequality. The following 3 things may not appear to be major components of rape culture at first glance, but undoubtedly fuel and are fueled by it. Dismantling and addressing these things must be part of our movement to end rape culture.

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My darling Son, this is not a conversation any boy wants to have with his mum at any age. But it’s a conversation we must have nonetheless. I would be failing in my duty as a parent, guide, and woman if I did not share the following information with you – information that has the power to impact greatly upon your future sex life. And your relationships. So listen carefully. This is important.

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Yes, we need to talk about the impact religion has on our culture and ideas of gender, even if that means we have to touch a touchy subject. But because religion is so intertwined with culture and ethnic identity, any and all open criticism of religion needs to be handled with care. Here are four things to keep in mind when being critical of religion.

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When someone wants to tear apart my writing, they often bring up my presumed gender to do so. My presumed femaleness is never mentioned with respect. They say, “Stop being so easily offended, b*tch.” Femaleness is used to discredit me in a way that maleness is not. When I’m presumed male, my maleness never comes up at all. Because maleness is our societal default setting, it’s never mentioned.

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In our patriarchal society, women are expected to get married and have children. So when we don’t, people start to get confused, as this author has often experienced. When people find out she’s single and childless, people try to figure out what’s wrong with her or at the very least, what she’s doing wrong. Here she unpacks why that behavior is problematic and sexist.

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When I first told people that my husband was having an affair, I got a few different reactions. Some blamed me for his infidelity; others thought I was weak to consider staying. But I don’t think these are the only options. Here’s what I want you to know if you are ever involved in or asked to support a friend in a painful infidelity aftermath.

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