A black service dog stares compassionately into the camera with big, brown eyes

Service animals provide disabled people with therapeutic emotional support. Additionally, they’re trained to specifically cater to their owners and to assist them with their unique disabilities. But there might be a lot that you don’t know about them – which can lead to unintended ableism. Learn more about how to broaden your intersectional feminism around dis/ability.

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There are lots of ways to be a great “ally” – and innumerable ways to be a terrible one. But it’s not rocket science. There are simple things you can keep in mind and do in order to be a better person “currently operating in solidarity with” the marginalized or oppressed. And while this list is not comprehensive, it’s definitely somewhere to start. So “allies,” let’s talk.

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I’m not going to tell you that labels are for soup cans, although I understand that sentiment. But the secret that no one is telling you is this: This is who you are, and your experience is valid – with or without a label affixed. But for everyone who’s got a hold on identifying their feelings, but needs help figuring out a label, let’s talk about it.

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The media we consume can impact the way we see our own bodies, our perspectives on races, cultures, sexualities, and genders. It’s disheartening to see the media prioritizing the stories of only a set group of people. It is absolutely essential that we continually call for improvement. So how can we to do that? Here are three things we must demand from media.

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