Just like anti-perspirant marketers had to convince people that underarm sweat and smell is disgusting and kept you from getting dates and jobs, diet marketers had to convince people that fat is disgusting and kept you from dates and jobs. They turned a normal thing – bodily diversity – into a pathology. They keyed in to people’s deepest fears of social ostracism and made scads of money in the process.

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Person with their hand on their cheek in tought, with a thought bubble coming out from their head

There’s been a lot of talk lately critiquing call-out culture – and a lot of the concerns are valid. But is calling in always the answer? Or can that sometimes reproduce oppression inside social justice movements? Read this to get the lowdown on when each approach might be useful by centering on how to be most survivor-centered and how to achieve the results you want.

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Unfortunately, as with all minorities, being deaf comes with its own series of inappropriate comments and invasive questions. It’s about time we starting treating deaf and hard of hearing people less like objects of fascination and more like people. Check out this video for a few examples of things that hearing people should avoid saying to deaf or hard of hearing folks!

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