As male feminists, it’s easy to criticize the misogyny of the MRAs. But how often do we turn the lens around? There are stories from every era of the feminism — stories of men talking the talk of feminism, gaining trust, and using that trust to hurt, abuse, and act in profoundly anti-feminist ways. Here are six things we need to do starting right now to fight this.

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Protesters in Baltimore marching for justice for Freddie Gray

As a White person, I’m so frustrated in how so many of us are blaming people of Color for their own oppression and condemning them for expressions of grief and rage that make us uncomfortable and afraid. If you find yourself doing that, read this to learn what else you can do if you care about the people of Color who are literally fighting for their lives.

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Contrary to popular belief, being sexually active does not automatically mean a teen has problems and is in need of help. With the appropriate education and resource, sexual connection can be healthy for teenagers. But treating sexually active teens as delinquents and stigmatizing them can create the very problems many claim to be trying to avoid.

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