Trans & GNC

A black-and-white image of Sylvia Rivera, holding onto a teddy bear

5 Reasons Sylvia Rivera Is One of the Most Badass Radical Trans Heroes to Ever Live

Here’s What’s Really Motivating the People Behind Anti-Trans Bathroom Bills

Why the Term ‘Human Nature’ Is Way More Harmful Than It Seems

A person stands in front of a blue background, holding up a speech bubble with the word "NO." Image: Thinkstock; text added by EF.

9 Things Not to Say to a Non-Binary Person

Two people leaning together to form a heart with their hands

5 Totally Normal Questions Transgender People May Be Afraid to Ask, Answered

8 Myths About Transgender Men’s Genital Reconstructions

Here’s What Sexism in Higher Ed Looks Like – And Why It’s a Problem

Pink "woman" symbol and blue "man" symbol drawn on a chalkboard with a question mark in the middle

Boy, Girl, Neither, Both? Why Assuming Is Awkward (And What to Ask Instead)

3 Transition Obstacles I Never Expected as Mentally Ill and Transgender

Illustration of a person on a bus looking scared as another person taunts them

I Am Queer, I Am Non-Binary, and I Don’t Know What It Means to Feel Safe in Public

4 Ways I’ve Managed To Affirm My Gender Through Fashion

Person holding up a piece of paper that's been cut into a heart shape

Your First Time: A Sexual Guide for Non-Binary People Working Through Trauma

7 Signs That Your Psychiatrist Is a Good Fit

The White Feminism of the Women’s March Is Still on My Mind

A person is covering their face as they stand beside a window covered in raindrops.

6 Ways Transphobia Directly Contributes to High Rates of Suicide in Trans Communities

Older man looking thoughtfully, contemplatively into the distance from his porch

Complicating the Stereotype of the Homophobic and Transphobic Black Community

What’s the Difference Between Sex and Gender?

Navigating Masculinity as a Black Transman: “I will never straighten out my wrist.”

People attending a baby shower

3 Ways That Gender Reveal Parties Can Be Harmful — Plus 3 Awesome Alternatives

Too Queer for Your Binary: Everything You Need to Know and More About Non-Binary Identities

Laverne Cox Explains the Intersection of Transphobia, Racism, and Misogyny (And What to Do About It)

10 Misconceptions Every Trans Ally Needs to Understand

Person looking confused

How to Explore Your Gender When You’re a Person Who Was Assigned Male at Birth

6 Tips for Making Your Conversations About Reproductive Rights More Trans-Inclusive

I am the Gender Bunny!

10 Things I Wished I’d Known When I Started My Transition

How You Can Tell Anti-Trans Bathroom Bills Aren’t About ‘Safety’ At All

Traumatized and Trans: We Are Allowed to Be All Versions of Ourselves At Once

4 Seemingly Harmless Gender Stereotypes That Contribute to Rape Culture

6 Common Myths I Had to Unlearn to Embrace My Gender Identity