Feminism 101 Articles

How to Change Your Relationship with Failure in 5 Steps

Close-up of the dictionary definition of "privilege"

When Privilege Goes Pop: How Today’s Mainstream Conversations On Privilege Can Hurt Justice Movements

Complaining About the ‘Friend Zone’ Perpetuates Rape Culture

5 Things Not to Do When Interacting with Physically Disabled People

How I Exposed 5 BS Social Norms That Almost Stopped Me from Traveling the World

What the Myth of ‘Oversensitive Students’ Gets Wrong About Trigger Warnings

3 Ways Feminists Uphold Oppression When They Exclude Parents

6 Important Reasons Food Is a Political Issue

6 Questions to Ask Yourself While Planning a Wedding

My Personal Decision To Wear The Hijab Has Nothing To Do With Me Being Oppressed

Person looking surprised

Frustrated with Hearing “I’m Not a Feminist Since I Don’t Hate Men”? Here’s 7 Ways To Show Why Those Claims Are Sexist

What Men Really Mean When They Cat Call

Transnational Feminism: Why Feminist Activism Needs to Think Globally

The Ladies to Look Up to in Television and Why Their Representations Matter

Making Our Movements Stronger by Resisting Antisemitism

6 Reasons Why the Liberal Disdain of Conservatives is Wrong

Prison bars are made into a barcode, insinuating that prisoners are products of a system

3 Reasons Prison Injustice Is a Feminist Issue That Needs Our Attention Now

Why Discussing Cultural Appropriation Isn’t Just Being Told What You ‘Can’t’ Do

Cartoon depicting one distraught person of color in a room full of happy white people

If We Divide, We Don’t Conquer: 3 Reasons Why Feminists Need to Talk About Race

Two people, eyes closed and smiling, hugging each other.

5 Great Ways to Practice Loving Accountability

Vlogger Celia in a floral top, smiling slightly and gazing into the camera.

Is Feminism a Movement Just for Women – Or Is It About All Forms of Oppression?

Why Telling Someone To Go Educate Themselves Is Complicated

Victim or Victor

Stop Being So Attached!: A Beginner’s Guide on Problematic Language

How to Spot a Fake Ally – And Why You Don’t Have to Settle for Their Phony Support

What People Accusing You of ‘Playing the Victim’ Need to Know About Activism

Here’s How Anti-Feminist Trolls Would ‘Save’ Free Speech

How One Teacher Taught The Class A Powerful Lesson About Privilege

5 Problems with ‘Keep Abortion Rare’

Don’t Tell Me To Just Get Over It