LGBTQIA Articles

A group of colorful speech bubbles

5 Questions Cis People Are Still Asking About Why Trans-Inclusive Language Matters, Answered

Person looking out toward the sun, contemplative

5 Things Queer and Questioning Indigenous Folks Should Consider About Claiming Two Spirit Identity

Things Bisexual People Are Tired of Hearing

How the White- and Cis-Washing of the Stonewall Movie Hurts Trans People of Color

Celebrating the Love between Queer Women of Color – In 25 Gorgeous Photos!

Why I Am Never, Ever, Ever Coming Out of the Closet

Couple in an argument

5 Facts to Debunk the Biggest Myths About Dating Bisexual People Once and For All

A couple, standing smiling in the cold weather.

9 Lies People Tell You When You Come Out as Bisexual – And How to Heal From Them

8 Things Your LGBTQ Friend Wants You To Know When They Come Out to You

A person stands confidently staring into the camera with a rainbow flag draped over their shoulders.

4 Reasons LGBTQIA+ and Immigrant Activists Can’t Afford Not to Work Together

How Many Moments of Extraordinary Strength Can You Spot in This Ordinary Day in the Life of a Transgender Woman?

3 Transition Obstacles I Never Expected as Mentally Ill and Transgender

3 Reasons Why Folks Who Don’t ‘Look’ Non-Binary Can Still Be Non-Binary

‘It Is Absurdly, Obscenely Common’: Incest Survivors Speak Out

5 Ways the Way We Talk About Grindr Upholds Thin Privilege and Body Fascism

How to Talk To Your Children About Gay Parents, By a Gay Parent

7 Things I Love About Being Bi

Estranged: How I Fell In Love With A Girl And Lost My Family

Black, Out, and Tired of Casual Homophobia

The Importance of Listening as a Privileged Person Fighting for Justice

What It’s Like to Wonder If Your Assault Made You Queer

Pink "woman" symbol and blue "man" symbol drawn on a chalkboard with a question mark in the middle

Boy, Girl, Neither, Both? Why Assuming Is Awkward (And What to Ask Instead)

This Awesome Comic Shows Why Gender Transition Isn’t a Race

Person with finger held to lips, shushing

7 Myths About ‘Stealth’ Transexuals That Undermine Valid Choices

6 Common Myths I Had to Unlearn to Embrace My Gender Identity

The author and their partner, smiling

My Partner Came Out as a Transgender Woman And We’re Happier Than Ever

What If We Thought Of Gender Like Ice Cream? It Makes Sense, Here’s Why

How Did Public Bathrooms Get to Be Separated By Sex in the First Place?

A group of people at the beach, reaching one hand into the center of the circle to join together in solidarity.

5 Ways Trans People Can Support Other Trans People

5 Things I Learned About Holding A Predominantly White And Cisgender Feminist Space