LGBTQIA Articles

6 Important Reflections from Indigenous LGBTQIA+/Two Spirit People

6 Reasons Why Being Called a Cis Person Is Not ‘Oppressive’

How One Grandma Came to Accept Her Queer Granddaughter

Closeup of a person's face, with long hair and bright pink lipstick.

6 Ways Femmephobia Is Harming LGBTQIA+ Communities

5 Ways the LGBTQIA+ Movement Fails at Intersectionality

How Fluid Sexuality Fits into the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum

Closeup of a person applying eyeliner.

4 Advantages, and Disadvantages, I’ve Gained as Robin That I Didn’t Have as Robert

This Is Exactly Why We Need the Leadership of Trans Women of Color

Why You Need to Start Including Disabled People in Your Healthcare Activism

5 Ways To Create a Femme Friendly Workplace

4 Myths About Intimate Partner Violence in Lesbian Relationships

Women Aren’t the Only People Who Get Pregnant – Here’s Why That Matters

I’m Trans, But I’m Not…

Why I Am Never, Ever, Ever Coming Out of the Closet

8 Helpful Comebacks to Use When Someone Is Being Transphobic

17 Trans-of-Color Leaders Resisting, Inspiring, and Keeping it Real in 2017

5 Tips for Being a Proactive Ally

Why Your Disbelief in My Queer Identity Doesn’t Negate Its Existence

10 Trans Guy Myths Busted

How To Leverage Our Privilege In Social Movements To Create Lasting Social Change

This Comparison Exposes How Much Homophobia Shapes Your Notion of A ‘Normal’ Day

A young person scratching their head while in thought

What Is Heteronormativity – And How Does It Apply to Your Feminism? Here Are 4 Examples

What Trans-Exclusionary Feminism Really Looks Like

5 Ways Trumpcare Screws Over LGBTQ+ Seniors

5 Ways the Way We Talk About Grindr Upholds Thin Privilege and Body Fascism

4 Reasons Your ‘Harmless’ Opinions About Trans People Aren’t Actually Harmless

Person putting on pink lipstick

Why We Must Break the Silence on Femme Invisibility in the Queer Community

Why the Idea That Islam Promotes Intolerance of the LGBTQIA+ Community Is a Lie

A couple standing in a red-lit room

4 Myths That Hurt Polysexual Men and the Women They Date

Gender and Sexuality Labels Are Complicated – And Here’s Why They’re Still Valid