Bisexual folks have been made the butt of so many jokes, have had their identities excluded from queer communities, and have been accused of perpetuating transphobia and the gender binary. But the castigation of bi identities from queer and gender non-conforming movements reinforces a prejudice that harms people across the gender and sexuality spectrum.

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There is a war against women, and men and boys are trained everyday to be the soldiers. Misogynist violence isn’t the biological imperative of men. Misogyny is beaten into boys and woven into the fabric of “successful masculinity”. It’s time for men in the millions to declare that we will no longer act as the soldiers in the war against women.

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Some detrimental cultural ideals run so deep that no one even questions whether they might operate as support beams of status quo oppression. Let’s take the word “bitch” for example. As an exercise in identifying some potentially hibernating connotations that can perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes, here are a few common uses of the word “bitch” and their problematic subtexts.

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As a hairy South Asian girl, this author was ridiculed and was made to remove his facial and body hair from a young age. And even after he came out as a trans man and was using he/him pronouns, it took him two years to let his facial hair grow. Why? Find out with this compelling story of overcoming the Western beauty and gender standards that impact us all.

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If you grew up in the United States, it is almost inevitable that you’ve been subject to a few standard aphorisms. These include things like: “Anyone can make it here if they try hard enough,” “Nothing worth having comes easy,” “Hard work pays off,” “Winners never quit, and quitters never win,” and “Success is no…

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Here’s a lesson for any cause: If we don’t get to the root of the issue, all we’re doing is pulling some individuals to safety while losing others. In combatting sexual violence, we must work to help survivors heal, seek justice, and find the new normal in their life, but that cannot be our only work. We must prevent sexual violence before it happens. But how do we do that? What does it look like?

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Trans men, like all people, need to know how to have fulfilling, safe, healthy sex to feel whole and good about ourselves. We deserve it (and don’t let anyone tell you differently). But most out trans boys, trans men, and trans masculine people I know receive inadequate, if not wholly non-existent, sex talks. So here are seven key places to start.

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Some people think its funny when boys joke about rape. They argue that people who speak out against those jokes, and the culture that encourages and allows them, are humorless. But those boys eventually turn into teenagers and men, some of whom DO commit actual sexual violence that predominately, but not exclusively, target women. This must stop now!

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When someone wants to tear apart my writing, they often bring up my presumed gender to do so. My presumed femaleness is never mentioned with respect. They say, “Stop being so easily offended, b*tch.” Femaleness is used to discredit me in a way that maleness is not. When I’m presumed male, my maleness never comes up at all. Because maleness is our societal default setting, it’s never mentioned.

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