Intersex is one of the often-left out categories when the LGBTQIAP alphabet is abbreviated as LGBT. The QUIAP is often ignored completely or briefly covered, but people who have these identities are marginalized not only in society, but also often within LGBTQIAP spaces themselves! Intersex identities exist. And we need to start recognizing them.

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It’s the favorite advice of patriarchal misogynists everywhere: “Man up.” (See also: “Grow a pair,” “Be a man,” and “Stop acting like a girl.”) This phrase presents a view of masculinity that is oppressive to not just women and gender non-conforming people, but to men as well. Check out Guante’s kick*ss poem with ten ways to respond to this so-called “advice.”

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(Trigger warning: Rape) Check out this TED Talk by activist Tony Porter about how the expectations of masculinity and restrictive gender roles lead to disrespect of and violence against women. He shares powerful stories from different points in his life and encourages men to act outside of the narrow box that society places them in.

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Through my Women’s Studies courses and readings, I’ve come to better understand my abusive boyfriend and what was behind his emotional and physical violence toward me. Most importantly, I was reassured that his actions were not my fault, something that I struggled with during and for a time after the relationship. And it has been such a relief knowing I’m not the only one who has been through this. (Trigger Warning)

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The patriarchy harms all people, regardless of gender identity, sex, or sexual orientation, by perpetuating oppressive and limiting gender roles, the gender binary, transphobia and cissexism, sexual assault, and the political and economic subordination of women. Watch Marina Watanabe discuss the pervasive and intricate ways patriarchy violates us all.

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