What’s it’s like to date a feminist? Here’s an honest interview with someone who knows: boyfriend of self-described part-time feminist vlogger, full-time sass machine Marina Watanabe. Even if you’re familiar with feminist dating, you’ll want to catch his hilarious answers to her hard-hitting questions and get a little more enlightened about everyday feminist life.

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Male allies are extremely important and valuable to the feminist movement! They use their positions of privilege to further the cause in ways that women can’t, and for that we’re grateful. That said, there are a few trends in male feminist behavior that could definitely stand to change. Watch Melissa A. Fabello give a few tongue-in-cheek reminders to male feminists.

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Telling the truth is hard. There’s social pressure to see things in certain ways and to tell certain premeditated status-quo enabling truths. Society coerces us into telling a narrative that doesn’t reflect the truths that we know, but rather the truths that society so desperately wants us to believe. But we can do better for ourselves – and for others.

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Tackling an issue near and dear to her heart, Everyday Feminism’s Editor Melissa A. Fabello discusses the media’s bad excuse for lesbian and bisexual representation in TV and film. More importantly, she talks about the ways that misrepresentation and sexualization can have negative effects on how the world treats queer women and ways that you can make change.

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Myths and stereotypes about weight are so normalized. So it’s no wonder if you (person who is worried about a loved one) are invested in the idea that fat is bad or want them to be spared the pain of being fat in our society. And it’s no wonder that you (person who has gained weight or is fat) may have some mixed feelings about the “help” that people want to give. Here’s some ways to have this conversation.

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