When women express discomfort with sexism, men in particular jump to the conclusion that they must be man haters to make such a fuss. This seems to be the primary deterrent preventing women from speaking out against sexism. But here’s the thing: Being against sexism is not the same thing as being against men. Let’s debunk five myths about this misconception.

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People in queer relationships are often subjected to a barrage of ignorance from the straight community. The most annoying is: “Who’s the man and who’s the woman?” Ah yes, because as queer-identified people, the first thing we want you to do is shoehorn normative gender roles into our relationship! But believe it or not, it’s none of your business.

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Why do so many straight girls think being seen as a lesbian is an insult? Unpacking the driving social forces behind the fear shows how we’ve been taught to cater to the male gaze. Here’s how to break the cycle, de-condition yourself from patriarchal beliefs about femininity, and eradicate lesbophobia and queerphobia among women. As long as you’re happy in your own skin, rock on.

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A happy teacher stands at the head of a classroom; many of the childrens' hands are excitedly raised

Toys, clothes, games – you could probably name dozens of ways society creates rigid gender boxes around us from a young age. But do you know how much those boxes can oppress gender-variant children? Here’s one teacher’s story about the impact and importance of breaking down gender norms. Learn how she taught all her students that it’s okay to be different.

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On average, women in the US are still paid considerably less than men. This we know. But the reasons for the wage gap are, apparently, still up for debate. Plenty of people will try to argue that the reason is not actually sexism — that the real reason is that they don’t ask for raises. This comic by Lefty Cartoons puts this distraction to rest.

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Flavia Dzodan responded to white feminism with: “My feminism will be intersectional, or it will be bullshit.” We need to be inclusive of all struggles, including racism — even when it makes white feminists uncomfortable to have their white privilege pointed out. Check out this spoken word poem on why feminism must be intersectional around race.

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Trying to parent outside the mainstream boy/girl binary can seem daunting to say the least. Some parents are turning to Gender Neutral Parenting, which focuses on not forcing any preconceived gender norms onto their child so they can find their own comfort spot on the continuum we call gender. But there’s a lot of myths and misconceptions out there, which we’ll break down here for you.

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Every day, our children are shown the gender box they are expected to live inside of and are encouraged to shrink down the parts of themselves that don’t fit that narrow mold. If we truly want our children to succeed in this world, they need our help to smash open the very boxes we’ve constructed for them – to claim their place, their voice, and their power. But how?

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