Person covering ears and screaming

Folks in the media are notorious for saying abysmal things about survivors of sexual violence. But for most survivors, it doesn’t take a media spotlight to beget insensitive, uninformed, and downright erroneous remarks about their experiences. Unfortunately, it’s something they face every day. So here are some things we should stop saying to survivors – immediately.

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We had a lot of awesome feminist moments in 2014! From Mo’ne Davis, Laverne Cox, to Emma Sulkowicz, feminists have been showing up and taking charge in pop culture and the news. Check out this video by Kat Lazo of TheeKatsMeoww for a list of just some of the exciting ways feminists have been smashing the patriarchy and the kyriarchy!

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Patriarchy has delegated the realm of parenting to women and girls. Consequently, fathers, specifically teenage fathers, are not given the resources or skills to emotionally and financially provide for their children. This invisible dynamic, with the support of legislative classism and racism, perpetuates class immobility for many teen fathers and their families. Let’s do better.

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Although they do a majority of their learning through observation of their peers in social situations, children’s groundwork for understanding gender is largely influenced by the adults they see in their family systems. If you don’t talk about gender, children will learn society’s gender model. Here are five ways to facilitate your child’s gender autonomy.

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A recent study finds that girls who’ve suffered sexual harassment often see it as “normal stuff” that “just happens” because it’s what “guys do.” Translation: they frame their own experiences of harassment based on cultural notions about what gender and sexuality are — or should be. Sad, then, isn’t it, that those cultural notions are often bullshit.

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Hate it when guys use tired pick-up lines and comment on your ethnicity if you’re a woman of color? Watch this epic feminist smack-down which also delivers a blistering critique of Westernized beauty culture. This award-winning short film was directed by Karen Lum and features spoken word from Adriel Luis.

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Often, straight men become frustrated when they meet a woman who doesn’t trust them immediately. They’re frustrated that women impose a “guilty until proven innocent” mentality on all men. But there are reasons why women feel this way. If we can work to understand those reasons, we can learn how to work with her in a supportive role, if that’s what she wants.

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You’ve probably thought before about the implications that feminist ideals can have on your relationships. Society’s social norms can make things tricky, especially when not all of our relationships exist with equally as feminist people. But how you chose to relate to and with others is completely up to you. The ultimate feminist act is to practice this.

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While there are many glaring examples of rape culture, there’s also a covert nature to rape culture that often goes unnoticed. We must also look beyond the overt ways in which rape apologia exists and recognize exactly how it sneaks into our everyday life. So let’s look at some pervasive and normalized parts of society that contribute to it and what you can do about it in your life.

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