In recent years, the word “slut” has become deeply ingrained into our culture, to the point where people say it too easily and too casually. I’ve often asked myself: What can we do about this nasty, negative word choice that is so standard in our culture? Maybe learning more about the word itself – and more empowering words we can use instead – is a good start.

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Did the racy pictures get sent around the school? Did you hook-up with someone’s boyfriend and now the whole school hates you? Are you the victim of slut bashing and don’t even know why? The pain and embarrassment of being labeled a “slut’ or ‘ho” can be unbearable but there are steps you can take to navigate a bad reputation.

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The grim reality is that at least 1 in 4 college women are survivors of sexual violence, and our institutions are not doing enough to stem this terrible tide. It is time that more of us join these committed activists in transforming the culture and climate of our college and university campuses. Whether you’re a parent, a student, or alumni, here are a few ways that you help.

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Many of us did not become feminists on a college campus or in an activist environment. So there needs to be dialogue that represents and facilitates the experience of feminism in more personal contexts. I think that Beyoncé’s album has some pretty radical feminist sentiments, and the fact that another feminist disagrees with that does not make me wrong, nor does it make that other woman right.

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While reflecting on recent news about health care, I think back on the lives of Anarcha, Betsy, Lucy and nine other unnamed enslaved Black women who were experimented on by the “father of modern gynecology,” a white doctor named J. Marion Sims. Without their consent or anesthesia (which was available at the time), Sims perfected…

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