Can you think of a movie or television show that portrays abortion as an option for one of its characters? These are the dominant narratives about abortion – the stories we see and hear that shape how we perceive the procedure. Meanwhile, where are the real stories? Where are the realities, the facts and the lived experiences of actual people having abortions?

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The entire world convinced me over the years that my vagina was gross, dirty, and ugly. That shit stays with you. But that’s the thing about self-image and cultivating positive, awesome body-love – you have to work at it. So if you find yourself in the position of hating your vagina or if you know a young person who might, here are some suggestions to get you started on loving it instead.

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There’s a lot of misinformation still out there about vaginal sexual response and what is considered “normal,” driven home by patriarchal ideals about what vaginal orgasm “should” look like. This leads people with vaginas to second-guess their own bodies and forget that they too experience and deserve sexual satisfaction – for their own sake.

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I have been in a loving relationship for over a year but I can’t orgasm. Why? In short, I’m sexually repressed. Instead of embracing sex in all its beauty, I feel disgusted.

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Our media is saturated with images that sexually objectify women. The explanation for this phenomenon? “Sex sells.” But is it really sex that these ads are implying? Caroline Heldman doesn’t think so. Check out her TED Talk about the overwhelming sexual objectification of women in our media, and how something a lot more sinister than sex appeal is at work.

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Due to patriarchy, our society does not want to acknowledge the frequency and impact of sexual violence directed at boys and men. Because of the misogynist socialization of masculinity, boys are taught to embrace and celebrate their abuse. This leads to years of silent trauma for too many men. Let’s debunk some of these harmful stereotypes and inaccurate myths.

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The individuals, companies, and media outlets responsible for the clamor of the War on Obesity would have us think about nothing more than the alleged “risks” of being fat. The last thing they want is for anyone to consider all the ways that the campaign has damaged the lives of fat people. Check out what six kickass fat activists have to say on the matter.

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