Talking to your kid about sexual abuse probably seems worse than even talking about sex. But given the statistics, your child is much more likely to be molested than to be hit by a car when crossing the street. Here’s how you can reduce your child’s vulnerability to being sexually abused and increase the chances they’ll tell you if something happens.

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Person covering ears and screaming

Folks in the media are notorious for saying abysmal things about survivors of sexual violence. But for most survivors, it doesn’t take a media spotlight to beget insensitive, uninformed, and downright erroneous remarks about their experiences. Unfortunately, it’s something they face every day. So here are some things we should stop saying to survivors – immediately.

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Enough is enough. Here are six things so many women are tired of, but have to face daily through media, culture, and regular interactions. Irritated with being dismissed as nothing more than a sexual object, a pretty face, or a hysterical ball of emotions? We shouldn’t have to deal with this everyday misogyny, so check out this video and spread the word.

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The three books in the Hunger Games series laid out on a table in a pile with another book open on top

What if things don’t change? Dystopian fiction gives us an eerie idea. It’s alarmingly similar to the real world we’re living in. So how can we empathize with fictional characters and alien races, but fail to acknowledge the oppression people are facing in our own world? We can enjoy dystopian fiction, but we have to be mindful of what it is. Here’s why.

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Silhouettes of three people jumping up in the air

Why are we still having to argue that feminism is a good thing? It may seem obvious to you, but there’s still a debate. Feminism has proved that women’s rights are human rights. Denying that is a blatant disregard for the historical record. So here’s a pocket edition of the achievements. Check it out for the next time someone says feminism has a negative impact.

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Pronouns are an important part of our language. Using the right pronouns in our own daily language and asking others to do the same isn’t enough to change the extreme transphobia, discrimination, and violence that trans* people experience, but it’s a simple way to use language to show respect for our friends, to make trans* issues visible, and to challenge gender-based oppression.

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The work of being a feminist doesn’t stop once we claim to be feminists. Years of socialization will not suddenly vanish from one’s mind or way of knowing and experiencing the world. So it’s important we be honest with ourselves about messages we’ve internalized, recognize our privilege, and question our assumptions in order to practice an inclusive, accountable, and progressive feminism.

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I recently wrote a piece on my personal blog that highlighted seven men who are transforming masculinity, and I was blown away by how well it resonated. In reflecting on the post, I realized that it was so popular because it touched on an unfilled need. We need to talk about what a more inclusive masculinity could actually look like beyond “Real men cry, too.”

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Some people seem to think that lesbians aren’t as subjected to misogyny as straight women are–and that’s just not true. All women are turned into sexual objects–even lesbians. Here to set the record straight about how misogyny affects lesbians is Arielle Scarcella. Watch her explain a few of the ways lesbian women are objectified, oppressed, and marginalized.

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Don’t be these guys. If you’re a Black woman, you probably know the guys we’re talking about, and you might’ve been the recipient of some of their cringe-worthy pickup lines. This hilarious video should be required watching before anyone approaches a Black woman for an interracial date. Share a laugh about how it all goes down with the Roommates to the Tombmates.

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When it comes to addressing domestic abuse and working to eradicate it, feminism has played a critical role. But there’s one area of abuse that doesn’t get enough recognition in the movement: child abuse – especially child abuse committed by women. In order to address it, we need to see the abuse of children for what it is, regardless of the abuser’s gender.

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