“The bathroom is often the start of trans people experiencing violence out in the world.” This – coupled with a horrific experience of hate violence – is why activist Drian Juarez is dedicating her life to the fight for gender neutral bathrooms. Unfortunately, this effort is often met with confusion. Watch this video to understand how this is an issue of safety and inclusion.

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(Content Warning: Rape) You may have heard horrific stories about rape and victim-blaming. Maybe one of those stories is yours. With how often rape happens, what does it mean to raise children and hope for their safety? In this chilling spoken word piece, Elizabeth Acevedo explores how she would raise her daughter, showing exactly why it’s so important to fight rape culture.

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Person smiling

The number one question the patriarchy is asking is: “How do we make women feel less-than, now that they think they’re enough?” And, often, patriarchy finds ways to do so. This article addresses four ways that Indian culture in particular works to stifle women’s liberation, as well as this author’s suggestions for how to push back against it and stand up for yourself.

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A group of activists rallying under a rainbow flag

The mainstream Gay Rights™ movement has made a lot of important gains – like marriage equality, for instance – but it leaves a lot of folks wondering: Have we forgotten our own history? Check out this article to understand the ways in which the history of queer and trans liberation needs to inform our activism today – and why prison abolition should be a top priority.

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Person looking seriously into the camera

(Trigger Warning: Rape and rape culture) Do you believe reporting rape is the best way to fight rape culture? A lot of people do, and it’s understandable to think that reporting rape would lead to more rape convictions and prevention. But the truth is, it’s not that simple. To tackle rape culture, we have to challenge the dangerous idea that survivors have a responsibility to report and support the choices of survivors.

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Two people sitting on a couch, playing video games

For women into online gaming, revealing the simple fact that we’re women can leave us vulnerable to harassment. Here, one woman shares how her problems went away when she played as a male character – and how one man who learned of her gender escalated his aggression to a dangerous level. Read her account of the gaming culture that made #Gamergate possible.

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Love YouTube videos? You should know this about the women who make them: “I love making YouTube videos. I love making content that makes you laugh or think or see the world differently. I hate that my job comes with a daily dose of harassment.” In this video, these women share about the sexist, racist, and body-shaming comments that regularly slam their work. (Trigger Warning)

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