Many people have no idea what does and does not constitute harassment. Here’s the thing: in our society, men are taught to feel sexually entitled to women. So many men who approach women in public spaces feel they “should” respond positively to their overtures – and then get upset at them when they don’t. Here’s some concrete examples of how this shows up.

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Due to patriarchy, our society does not want to acknowledge the frequency and impact of sexual violence directed at boys and men. Because of the misogynist socialization of masculinity, boys are taught to embrace and celebrate their abuse. This leads to years of silent trauma for too many men. Let’s debunk some of these harmful stereotypes and inaccurate myths.

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Recently, California passed the “Yes Means Yes” law, which dictates that “an affirmative, unambiguous and conscious decision” must be reached by everyone involved to engage in sexual activity. This was a huge step in the fight against rape culture! What does this decision mean in terms of our society’s view of sex and consent? Check out this video to find out!

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We talk a lot about street harassment as an issue affecting women. But there’s another group that is disproportionately targeted for this kind of violence, only we don’t talk about them nearly as much. Here to fix that is Kat Lazo. Watch Kat take to the streets of NYC and discuss street harassment and other forms of violence with members of the queer community.

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They say that knowledge is power. So in order to begin to reclaim power over a problem, we must first understand it. And the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace is a pervasive problem that we definitely need to eradicate. This infographic provides the first important tools to addressing this serious issue. Find out who gets harassed, who harasses, and more.

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Most parents don’t want to believe that their child is capable of doing anything wrong — especially bullying others. But the truth is, this denial is only making the problem worse. Parents and guardians are the ones who have to face the reality of bullying, and take charge against it. Here are some helpful tips on how to begin this difficult process.

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When it comes to addressing domestic abuse and working to eradicate it, feminism has played a critical role. But there’s one area of abuse that doesn’t get enough recognition in the movement: child abuse – especially child abuse committed by women. In order to address it, we need to see the abuse of children for what it is, regardless of the abuser’s gender.

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We can lay the groundwork for the children we love for good health and truly empowered living. Here, we look those aspects of protecting children that are slightly beyond the basics: the more subtle, on-going interactions that strengthen our children, influence their decision making, impact their safety, and, hopefully, contribute to a safer and saner society.

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As a gay feminist, I’ve had to tell many the straight boy, “Those jokes make me feel uncomfortable. Please stop.” The percussive nature of gay rape jokes can certainly get a laugh, but they also speak to some of our societal attitudes regarding rape and queer sexuality. Here are some answers to the question, “Why do people think gay rape jokes are okay?”

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As a feminist, an activist, a parent of two boys, and a sexual health educator, I struggle with how to balance my sensibilities with my parenting style. And an issue that I am very connected to is rape culture. How does a parent compete with the constant assault of stereotypes and overwhelming sex-negative messaging in the media? Here are a few suggestions.

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If you’re a parent of a school-aged child, it’s likely that you’ve been affected by bullying. With approximately 30% of students reporting being bullied and far more being peripherally affected or even traumatized by bullying, it’s a weighing concern on parents’ minds. That’s why I wanted to offer a quick read for parents who are concerned about it.

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(Trigger warning: Rape) Check out this TED Talk by activist Tony Porter about how the expectations of masculinity and restrictive gender roles lead to disrespect of and violence against women. He shares powerful stories from different points in his life and encourages men to act outside of the narrow box that society places them in.

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The Internet is very much a public space – with all of the same sexism, racism, homophobia, and transphobia of our streets, but often, much worse. Women are the targets of a lot of this ugliness. Not unlike street harassment in the way we feel its hovering, ominous presence and the way it can control our actions — or at least try to — online harassment is an issue to be taken seriously.

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Far too often, young people tear each other down and target one another for sustained violence, harassment, or neglect in order to feel more powerful, particularly when the person exhibiting bullying behavior is feeling powerless. But if we want to end the problem, we have to do the tough work of changing culture and climate. It’s time we change how we talk about bullying.

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