This Comparison Exposes How Much Homophobia Shapes Your Notion of A ‘Normal’ Day

Which of these days is more like your “normal?” This comic shows how two people can have completely different experiences when homophobic microaggressions and straight and cisgender privilege come into play.

Here’s how homophobia affects butch women and androgynous people in ways you might not even notice.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

It Isn't Always Like that

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Rhea Ewing is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism and a queer artist living in Wisconsin. Rhea is involved in a number of comic projects, including the monthly comics challenge site “The Radome” and a 350+ page nonfiction graphic novel about gender identity in the Midwest called FINE: A Comic About Gender. You can find more of zir work at and or connect on Twitter @finecomic. Check out zir work here!