Arrow pointing to feet on a weighing scale, urging "STOP!"

Who comes to mind when you think of eating disorders? Eating disorders don’t discriminate, but myths about them leave many people out – including mothers. Read one mom’s story of post-partum depression and a pressured post-pregnancy diet that led to an eating disorder. There’s no sure way to prevent an eating disorder, but we can learn from her recovery and parenting precautions.

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I am all for rethinking, reforming, and in most cases, smashing gender-based norms. But if bucking gender norms is going to be the key criterion for bad-assitude, I wonder: Would a boy earn bad-ass points for choosing a Tinkerbell Halloween costume, or for getting a pedicure, as my son once did with me (at his request) before he stumbled face-first into the gender divide? My guess is no.

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It’s that time of year! Yes, the holidays have come around once again. It’s a chance to catch up with family, eat some delicious food, and show your loved ones how much you appreciate them. But there are some downsides to the holidays – especially when dealing with body shaming and relatives who aren’t very understanding. This can make the holidays hard to navigate.

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Person sitting on a couch, leaning against their own arms, looking worried or contemplative

Sex should never hurt. This is true regardless of a person’s gender, irrespective of the kind of sex that someone is having (consensual and desired pain-play notwithstanding), and it’s true whether it’s a person’s first or 401st time. But why are so many people resigned to having painful sex? Well, partly because we don’t talk about it enough. So let’s start now.

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Trans men, like all people, need to know how to have fulfilling, safe, healthy sex to feel whole and good about ourselves. We deserve it (and don’t let anyone tell you differently). But most out trans boys, trans men, and trans masculine people I know receive inadequate, if not wholly non-existent, sex talks. So here are seven key places to start.

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Trying to parent outside the mainstream boy/girl binary can seem daunting to say the least. Some parents are turning to Gender Neutral Parenting, which focuses on not forcing any preconceived gender norms onto their child so they can find their own comfort spot on the continuum we call gender. But there’s a lot of myths and misconceptions out there, which we’ll break down here for you.

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To learn more, check out: An Infuriating Story of How One Box Makes It So Hard to Find a Job After Prison Gainful Unemployment: 5 Acts of Self-Care While Job Hunting [do_widget id=’text-101′] Ronnie Rene Ritchie is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism, an illustrator, and storyteller working out of Peterborough, Ontario. Since graduating…

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There are plenty of resources for people beginning recovery from any kind of eating disorder. And yet, it’s still difficult to get a straight answer for the most pressing question on people’s minds. What is recovery going to look like? Will it go on like this forever? Will I be strong enough to make it? Take it from me: Recovery is hard. But it doesn’t need to be any harder than it has to be.

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Beauty pageants have been targets of feminist criticism since their creation. (And who can blame us?) In response to this pushback, many pageants have begun emphasizing their scholarship programs. Miss America claims to make available over 45 million dollars for scholarships annually. Except… that’s not really true. Watch John Oliver expose this lie while delivering an epic takedown of the Miss America Pageant.

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