Birth control is not one-size-fits-all. There are a lot of choices out there, and they all work differently. It’s no wonder people get confused. As feminists, we are wholly dedicated to your right to choose. So if you’ve ever wondered “How the #*%! does this work?” or “Which option is best for me and my lifestyle?” then this article is for you.

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Everyday I’m reminded that others see me as the caricature of a young single mother. Most days, these messages only fuel me to silently and efficiently demonstrate the falsehoods in these stereotypes. But sometimes, it sinks in and I can’t breathe. But somehow when I finish my yoga practice, I am able to overcome those thoughts and prevent an anxiety attack. I can breathe again and give thanks.

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Can I kindly ask that you stop asking me when I’m getting married? It’s more than just annoying – asking a woman when she’s settling down actually perpetuates some pretty messed up messages we get from society. Here are six reasons to ditch that question and stop pushing people into the predetermined life path we (or society) deem fit for them.

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We are products of a lifetime of gendered social messages that tell us that every woman needs a man – that to not have one, even for a moment, is a failure at womanhood. Aside from all the overt sexism, the idea that being single sucks is flat out WRONG. So here are a few ways that being single is good for you and a viable life choice if you want to.

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When women express discomfort with sexism, men in particular jump to the conclusion that they must be man haters to make such a fuss. This seems to be the primary deterrent preventing women from speaking out against sexism. But here’s the thing: Being against sexism is not the same thing as being against men. Let’s debunk five myths about this misconception.

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We live with a deep and persistent societal tolerance for the use of women’s bodies by others for their own purposes, profit, political gain and entertainment. Cameras and harassment are the tip of an iceberg of male regulation of women’s bodies and behaviors. Legislation, based on a cultural acceptance of women’s bodies as public resources, is much more pernicious.

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We’ve received hundreds of reports of women being groped, grabbed, manhandled, slapped, tweaked, pinched, stroked and smacked in public, usually by complete strangers. Yet our society not only downplays and accepts this crime but deliberately normalizes it, telling women not to overreact, not to make a fuss out of nothing, or even to be glad of the attention.

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Can you think of a movie or television show that portrays abortion as an option for one of its characters? These are the dominant narratives about abortion – the stories we see and hear that shape how we perceive the procedure. Meanwhile, where are the real stories? Where are the realities, the facts and the lived experiences of actual people having abortions?

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It’s no secret that money is exchanged at uncomfortably high rates throughout the US, and the more politically savvy among us might begin to wonder how our dollars can make a difference for social change. Thankfully, several effective strategies exist for us to pick and choose from, depending on our own personal situations and how we want to activate a plan.

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