Because of cultural stigma, political barriers, economic difficulty, and anti-abortion bullies who threaten of violence or exposure, choosing to end a pregnancy can be a difficult and traumatic. But for so many, it’s a necessary act of self-efficacy. Read this article to learn how to best support your friend who is considering an abortion.

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There are a lot of misconceptions about genital reconstruction. “It’s just cosmetic.” “You need therapy, not surgery.” “It’s not like it’s life or death.” And that’s just for general reconstruction conversations! There are even more specific myths about individual kinds of surgery — ie: trans men. Here are eight non-truths about trans men’s genital reconstruction!

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I am a gay dad, and I confuse children. I’m sure it happens more than I realize – at the supermarket, at the park, at preschool. Just by acting like any other parents, my partner and I are inadvertently sparking countless conversations that start with, “Where’s their mommy?” You’re free to handle that question however you want, of course. But if you don’t know where to begin, allow me to help.

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It’s clear that many white people in the United States still don’t understand how fundamentally different life is for people of color. Asserting their own “colorblindness,” most tend to think that racism is limited to organizations like the KKK. But less publicized forms of racism continue to be expressed in everyday ways throughout the US. And it’s a problem.

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In response to patriarchal trauma, this powerful spoken word poem addresses the resilience that happens when women assert themselves. It reminds women that they are more than insults, than tools to provide some man a sense of pleasure or power. It reminds women that their voices ARE the weapons that can fight and conquer systemic and cultural oppression.

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