Sometimes I feel like we’re living our entire lives and viewing our whole world through a camera lens – including ourselves. And yet, on the bright side, I also see it as an interesting opportunity to reclaim your self-image. I think that if you go with it, you can actually use things like selfies as tools to improve your body image – and your overall self-esteem.

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Our daughter is Autistic. With the right accommodations and supports, she can have everything she wants out of life – but there’s a lot to do as parents between now and adulthood. So how do we go about raising a confident young woman in an ableist world? I think that the answer lies at the intersection of supporting feminism and destroying ableism.

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Fatphobia is so rampantly internalized that many people justify their attraction to fat people by comparing them to non-human objects. It turns the possibility of mutual desire and appreciation into fetish. In this spoken word performance, Samantha Peterson rejects the dehumanizing nuance of supposedly metaphorical compliments and reclaims her body’s agency, humanity, and beauty.

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