A lot of people don’t understand what it means to have a non-binary gender identity. That’s understandable. After all, society does a great job enforcing a gender binary. But just because you don’t understand non-binary identities doesn’t mean you get to dehumanize or invade the privacy of non-binary folks! Check out this video for a crash course in what not to say to gender non-conforming people.

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Illustration of a person on a bus looking scared as another person taunts them

(Content Warning: Homophobic and transphobic violence) In what ways are you unlike what people think you “ought” to be? For too many of us who are transgender, being ourselves means there’s no such thing as feeling safe. Take it from this author, who never knows if a small altercation could lead to violence. His chilling story of a bus encounter shows how hatred and bystander apathy make the world unsafe.

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Traditional "men's" and "women's" restroom figures being pointed to with an arrow leading to "Nope."

What would you tell your younger self? For this author, there’s a lot that he wishes he’d known as a young genderqueer and non-binary person. So here are his words to his younger self, shared with you as a reminder of how important you are. Even if you don’t identify as non-binary, you can read this for comfort and validation wherever your path takes you.

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Lately, I’ve noticed a frightening Internet trend. It’s the #WomenAgainstFeminism movement. Do these anti-feminists really know what they’re talking about? Do they understand what feminism is, or are they ascribing their beliefs to antiquated or invented stereotypes about the movement? And how can we talk to anti-feminists about feminism in a healthy way?

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