Person screaming

(Content Warning: Sexual assault) Have you ever ignored something awful because saying something would cause a scene? Women are taught to put people at ease and be liked – but this can make us prioritize the comfort of others over our own needs. This article can inspire you to do the opposite: to make a scene when it’s necessary to take care of your needs. You deserve to take care of you.

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Two teenagers watching TV, looking dissatisfied

When you’re a teenager, your life is all about glamour, adventure, and romance, right? Well, no. But that’s what’s on TV. And while TV’s fictional stories may seem harmless, they can set up unhealthy expectations of how your life is supposed to be. So here’s the real deal – why your reality is valid. How has your teenage experience been different from TV?

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When you’re with your friends and someone makes a sexist joke and everyone laughs along, it can be easier to accept it, rather than make a point about it, right? We’ve all been there. But it’s these kinds of casual jokes in the everyday language that we use that subtly help feed a culture of sexism – and we want to stop that. So here’s Hannah Witton with some ideas on how.

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When we teach young boys how to “act like a man,” what are we really teaching them? Poet Joseph Capehart argues that our socially constructed view of masculinity is wolf-like: violent, aggressive, and emotionless. And our boys – and later, our men – struggle with and suffer from that. So watch this performance and rethink what masculinity means to you and yours.

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