Is Kim Kardashian a vocal trendsetter? You might associate her and other young women with certain speaking styles, like vocal fry or uptalk – the “valley girl” accent. And you may not be surprised that studies show negative opinions of women who talk this way. But do you know about the underlying functions of this communication style? It’s deeper than you might think.

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Enough is enough. Here are six things so many women are tired of, but have to face daily through media, culture, and regular interactions. Irritated with being dismissed as nothing more than a sexual object, a pretty face, or a hysterical ball of emotions? We shouldn’t have to deal with this everyday misogyny, so check out this video and spread the word.

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Do you ever talk about what it means to be a “man”? Not a lot of us do. The patriarchy sets the harmful expectation that men aren’t supposed to talk about their feelings or display any kind of emotion. Here’s a chance for men to talk about masculinity and remember, as one man in this video puts it, that “there’s no right way to be a guy.” So what makes you a man?

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For those who don’t adhere 100% to the intensely restrictive gender roles prescribed by society: this is the poem for you. Watch as hip hop artist and poet Alex Dang describes the many times he’s been misgendered by the people around him — including family, friends, and strangers — just because he existed in a way that didn’t make sense to them.

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I want to see a masculinity where love, power with, and compassion replace dominance, power over, and violence — a masculinity where some of those good messages I learned from the men in my life endure while leaving behind the destructive things that hurt me and so many other male-identified people. In short, we need a new way to understand ourselves as men.

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Superhero films are known for their male-centric nature. Women are left sorting through the female characters that we are offered, and boy, is it grim. The common question that comes up when chatting with people about the role of gender in superhero films is: “Well, he is sexy too, isn’t he? It’s unfair to both sexes.” And the answer is yes, it is. But there’s more.

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Have you ever been defined through a calm waters lens? You know the type, right? That “Why does she always have to make shit so uncomfortable for everybody by speaking out?” type. Surely, there are moments when the best thing to do is to shut up and wait for safety. But don’t default to that logic, because your safety and your enslavement aren’t always the only two choices you have.

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Growing up, it didn’t take much for me to realize that power lay in the masculine. There was power in being one of the boys. And I wanted in. It’s no wonder why some women trade in their womanhood for a piece of the golden ticket to ride along the manhood train of success. And in doing so, these women cut themselves off from the rest of womankind. They become the exception – the loophole women.

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Unlike in the past, men are increasingly dealing with eating disorders and 40% of of people who binge eat are men. However many men do not seek treatment for fear of appearing weak, strange, or like less of a “man” and many health professionals fail to screen men for eating disorders as closely as needed. But a man who binge eats needs treatment and support just as a woman does.

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Just how many ways are there to be LGBTQIA+? You can be queer, femme, a unicorn, or a bottom, to name a few. We talk a lot about labels and identity, but what does identity really mean for defining gender and sexuality? The subjects of these beautiful photos, from Sarah Deragon’s The Identity Project, might blow you away as they embody their answers.

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