Originally published on Rainier Valley Corps and cross-posted here with their permission. I’ve learned a hard truth while working and volunteering at community-based organizations (CBOs) over the past decade: Community can break your heart. In fact, mine’s been broken so many times now that I’ve asked myself if fighting on the front lines for the…

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Sexuality isn’t a choice. So it may seem confusing to some when people say that they feel that their sexuality is fluid. But being sexually fluid doesn’t mean a person is confused. For a person to know and accept their sexuality as fluid, they must be self-aware. So let’s learn a little more about sexual fluidity.

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Are feminists allowed to like Valentine’s Day? Of course we are. And we’re also allowed to not like it. Valentine’s Day teaches us to show love through consumerism when obligated by a holiday and in only heteronormative and gendered ways. At the same time, it can be fun and satisfying to celebrate the holiday in a way that reclaims celebrating loving relationships for ourselves.

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Pornography sucks at depicting realistic sex, including lesbian sex. Yes, it’s supposed to be a fantasy. But the problem with that excuse is that without any factual knowledge to keep you grounded paired with misconceptions already being spread by mainstream media, you can become miseducated and end up believing that’s what they’re probably like. And that has a real effect on queer women.

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It’s no secret that we live in a heteronormative society. Just look at the concept of coming out. Straight people’s sexuality is accepted as fact without question, whereas queer people are either assumed to be something they aren’t, or are forced to formally announce their identity at every turn. But what would it look like if our society was HOMOnormative?

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Intersectionality dictates that experiences will vary based on the intersecting identities of the individuals in play. For queer people, an important intersection is often race, especially as it relates to family dynamics. Check out this video featuring four stories of trials and triumphs that Asian and Pacific Islander members of the LGBTQIA+ community face.

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What’s the “white man’s burden?” In short, it’s a lie. This song shows why, and reveals what you might not know about how an idea once used to excuse things like colonization and slavery still shows up when some people dismiss concerns about cultural appropriation. Take in this video and tell us – what do you think we can do to finally shake the white man’s burden?

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