Our daughter is Autistic. With the right accommodations and supports, she can have everything she wants out of life – but there’s a lot to do as parents between now and adulthood. So how do we go about raising a confident young woman in an ableist world? I think that the answer lies at the intersection of supporting feminism and destroying ableism.

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Being trans* often draws out a curiosity where people want to ask all sorts of invasive questions. It’s understandable given the lack of discussion on trans* issues. But people often ask about things that are neither their business nor relevant to their relationship. So if you are with someone who’s out and is knowingly open to questions (like me), here are some guidelines to follow on how to respectfully ask questions about being trans*.

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I’m a dude – one with a uterus. So like most trans guys, I have to deal with periods at some point or another. And it’s not easy. Everyone in the world seems to think periods are the ultimate expression of femininity. Sometimes it makes me feel very, very feminine. But the truth is, there’s no reason bleeding makes me feminine. Here are five ways to remember this.

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