Do you ever talk about what it means to be a “man”? Not a lot of us do. The patriarchy sets the harmful expectation that men aren’t supposed to talk about their feelings or display any kind of emotion. Here’s a chance for men to talk about masculinity and remember, as one man in this video puts it, that “there’s no right way to be a guy.” So what makes you a man?

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Tackling an issue near and dear to her heart, Everyday Feminism’s Editor Melissa A. Fabello discusses the media’s bad excuse for lesbian and bisexual representation in TV and film. More importantly, she talks about the ways that misrepresentation and sexualization can have negative effects on how the world treats queer women and ways that you can make change.

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What do you know about asexuality? What about aromance? A lot of folks are out of the loop on what those terms really mean. So here’s a clear break-down of both: what they are, what they aren’t, and some struggles society creates for ace and aro people. The end of the video can help you start your own conversation, so we can all be more informed and understanding.

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In his spoken word poem “Action,” Guante reflects on how he should have held his friend accountable for the abusive way he spoke about and treated his girlfriend. He analyzes how the media teaches men to think of sex as violence and to victim blame. This poem asks men to speak up and reminds them that rape culture is dependent on their silence and complacency.

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For some, the LGBPTQIA+ acronym can be intimidating in its all-inclusivity – “How am I supposed to memorize every identity in this nebula, and learn to respect them in my everyday life as well?” Worry not, kind feminist! Getting to know the basics will help to ease this overwhelmed feeling. Let’s explore one specific identity in this acronym today – pansexuality.

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( Trigger Warning) Domestic violence, dating violence, relationship violence — it’s not something we like or know how to talk about. Or perhaps more accurately, it’s not something we know how to talk about, especially when it’s happening to someone we love. But it’s important we learn how to talk about it in ways that actually help them, which is far more difficult than you may think.

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Two teenagers watching TV, looking dissatisfied

When you’re a teenager, your life is all about glamour, adventure, and romance, right? Well, no. But that’s what’s on TV. And while TV’s fictional stories may seem harmless, they can set up unhealthy expectations of how your life is supposed to be. So here’s the real deal – why your reality is valid. How has your teenage experience been different from TV?

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As with all other systems of oppression, rape culture is a beast with tentacles and spores across countless other facets of inequality. The following 3 things may not appear to be major components of rape culture at first glance, but undoubtedly fuel and are fueled by it. Dismantling and addressing these things must be part of our movement to end rape culture.

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Patriarchy has delegated the realm of parenting to women and girls. Consequently, fathers, specifically teenage fathers, are not given the resources or skills to emotionally and financially provide for their children. This invisible dynamic, with the support of legislative classism and racism, perpetuates class immobility for many teen fathers and their families. Let’s do better.

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