Like adventure stories and taking down oppression? Then this comic is for you! It shows how kyriarchy works – as one big beast led by multiple systems that work together to keep us all down. And it also gives us some insight on what we’ve all been looking for, the key to defeating this oppressive beast so we can all live happily and harmoniously together.

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Oppression plays out in a myriad of ways – including financially. And the excitement of coming out as trans and being able to present as one’s authentic self can quickly be overwhelmed by the burden of how much it costs for a name change, updated birth certificate, and new passport – among other things. This comic puts these financial obstacles into perspective.

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It’s no secret that we live in a heteronormative society. Just look at the concept of coming out. Straight people’s sexuality is accepted as fact without question, whereas queer people are either assumed to be something they aren’t, or are forced to formally announce their identity at every turn. But what would it look like if our society was HOMOnormative?

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Some people seem to think that lesbians aren’t as subjected to misogyny as straight women are–and that’s just not true. All women are turned into sexual objects–even lesbians. Here to set the record straight about how misogyny affects lesbians is Arielle Scarcella. Watch her explain a few of the ways lesbian women are objectified, oppressed, and marginalized.

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Two people coming together to form a heart with their hands

The tragic fatal police shooting of drummer Corey Jones is a terrible reminder of how vulnerable your black friends are to racist violence. You could be in a position to make it worse – and these guidelines will help you avoid that.

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