General society would have us believe that gender (and sexuality, and romantic attraction, and countless other identifiers) exist within a binary system. But the reality is that identity is much more complicated than that. And the concept of multidimensional spectra can be overwhelming. Check out this video for an introduction into the spectra of identity!

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Almost all of these myths stem from the assumption that trans women are really men, and considering us through a male frame of reference. So if there is one myth to debunk from which all others would perish, it’s the notion that our gender is not legitimate. We are women. But if you need further explanation, let me break it down for you with these 13 myths.

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Character assassination, stalking, rape and death threats — all directed at women in the video game industry. Where is this deep hatred coming from? Who does it affect? And what can be done about it? These are questions that deserve answers. Instead of ignoring the problem, as it has been ignored before, we have a duty to investigate this war on women in gaming.

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The predominant message sent to young mothers and pregnant teens in the media, by politicians, and from teachers at schools is that they are promiscuous, tarnished goods who are bringing “problem children” into the world. But that simply isn’t true. Here are just a few of the lies we need to stop telling about teen pregnancy and young motherhood in the U.S.

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One-in-three adolescents in the United States is a victim of abuse at the hands of an intimate partner. This isn’t just kids being kids. This is people who are coming of age accepting abuse as normal, paving the way for a lifetime of danger. But before we can see a change, we need to see a problem. And because teen dating violence has been so normalized, we really need to start at the basics.

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