(Trigger warning: violence against women.) Misogyny is omnipresent in our society, but it has an especially widespread presence in video games. Female characters in games (if present at all) rarely play any significant role. Instead, they’re often reduced to background decoration used to advance the male protagonist’s journey — often through hypersexualized and/or violent means.

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I remember it more clearly than I want to – the memory of being forced to acknowledge the illness that my diet had spiraled into. We were at a pizza place, my friend Rob* and I. Despite everything that was going on,the only topic that I had energy to talk about was calories. A grimace passed Rob’s face, and he looked me right in the eye when he said: “I think you have a problem.”

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Society doesn’t want to blame men for making the choice to rape women. It wants to blame women for enabling men to make that choice and usually it succeeds. Rapists very rarely get to accept responsibility for their choice to rape. Even rape victims blame themselves for their rapist’s choice to rape them. So I spent between two or three decades feeling unable to tell anyone in case they wouldn’t believe me. (Trigger warning.)

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Bisexual folks have been made the butt of so many jokes, have had their identities excluded from queer communities, and have been accused of perpetuating transphobia and the gender binary. But the castigation of bi identities from queer and gender non-conforming movements reinforces a prejudice that harms people across the gender and sexuality spectrum.

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Trans folks are people, just like cis folks are. But the way some cis people talk to trans people implies otherwise. Disrespectful questions, trivialization of trans issues, conflation of gender identity and sexual preference all add up to the dehumanization of trans folks. Check out this video compilation of some of the most common transphobic microaggressions!

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Before we can think about whether or not we’ve ever experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, we need to become familiar with different definitions and forms of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is intimidation of a sexual nature. It is any type of unwelcome sexual advance, from a crude joke to aggressive sexual bullying. And there are actions that you can take against it.

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When someone wants to tear apart my writing, they often bring up my presumed gender to do so. My presumed femaleness is never mentioned with respect. They say, “Stop being so easily offended, b*tch.” Femaleness is used to discredit me in a way that maleness is not. When I’m presumed male, my maleness never comes up at all. Because maleness is our societal default setting, it’s never mentioned.

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Going to the gynecologist, as a trans man in a transphobic world, can be an incredibly uncomfortable and verbally violent experience. Consequently, many men avoid getting necessary medical services like pap smears—which could lead to a completely different discomfort. Here’s some advice on how to safely negotiate your pap test as a trans man.

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